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"Oh," Alyssa gasped softly, as she felt something underneath her. She looked down and lifted off the carpet and saw an entrance, it was closed but it was definitely an entrance. "Levi," She called for him softly. Levi turned to her immediately and crouched beside her, looking at her fingers caressing the entrance to the basement.

"Is that it?" He asked, and Alyssa nodded. "Four-eyes." Levi called for Hange, his tone demanding. Hange rolled her eyes at what he had called her and her eyes immediately sparked when she saw what they were crouching at.

"A hidden door?" Hange asked and Alyssa nodded. Hange crouched as well beside Alyssa, "Eren's got to be in here with the enemy. Hopefully the layout in there is like I predicted." Hange said and Alyssa muttered,

"Don't worry, your hunches are always right." She smiled and Hange's eyes glinted with that.

"These presents better pay off, considering we went out of the way to prepare them." Levi said, his eyes wandered to the side where Armin and the others were fixing the so-called presents they had prepared for Kenny and Historia's father. "I do not want to disappoint Asmodeous after all." He continued, his eyes wandered on his woman's.

Hange chuckled while Alyssa chortled a laugh. It was from her father's. The presents. He was kind enough to give them for free, not because Alyssa is his daughter but he liked Levi, very much.

"My heart is clenching." Alyssa said, hovering her hand above her chest, then they all looked around the alarm. "Chill, it's just because I am inside a Chapel." She said seriously but they took it as a joke as they laughed quietly.

Ever since she was a kid, whenever she steps inside a Chapel, she would always feel her heart clench. She did not know why, but she had noticed it every time.


"There's eight or more enemies at least." One of them said. The woman's voice was heard by her comrades. "You can be sure Levi's among them. Along with his partner, Alyssa Klidprienz." She continued. It was Levi who they feared but they did not expect that Alyssa Klideprienz would join the picture, fighting side by side with Levi Ackerman. "As you know, Levi got completely ambushed last time along with Klidepriez, and yet they were still able to kill a lot of our comrades."

She had remembered how Alyssa Klideprienz had killed one of her close comrades with a cheap gun, and she had killed him by putting a bullet in his heart even so she was far away.

What do you expect from two spawn of devils? They had thought.

"The rest of the Interior Police are out of the picture, and not to mention the government lost control. It's a bad situation all around. In a world as tiny as ours, dying would be preferable to the life that awaits us the second we surrender." She said, then raised her head.

"Then again, is life stuck in these walls any different?" her voice suddenly became strong. "We've got an enemy we cannot defeat and all we can do is wait until they break down the walls and destroy us. We chose to join the Military Police, and aspired to be Interior Police, and joined up with Kenny."

"All to seek in our meaningless lives in this meaningless world. Let's keep believing all the way until the end... that Kenny and his dream can turn the tables in this world."


"Is everyone ready?" She asked the kids. They felt a strong surge of motherly care in her soft, caressing words. She did not turn them, she did not want to see their expressions. Levi was the one who faced them.

"Is everyone ready to get their hands dirty, too?" he asked, looking around them. They didn't know why, but they heard a tinge of concern in his voice that they rarely hear from him, they would hear it around Alyssa but towards them, it was their first time. Alyssa glanced around and saw their faces full of anxiety and fear.

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