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Thank you for 24k reads Cadets!

Chapter title is just random btw


"Ere—darling!" Alyssa almost said Eren's name so she just called him with the first endearment that entered her mind. "No time for that, head to the outer gate!" She commanded and ran beside Levi with her squadmates behind her.

She wanted to laugh, the men— or boys—on her temp squad were more scared than her female members. While the women kept a serious face, the three men couldn't get a hold of themselves.

Then they all proceeded to press their hand triggers, their grapple hooks extending through the air, clutching at the sides of the wall for them to be able to fly mid-air, their grapple hooks as support.

This is just starting.


Armin raised his blade, the familiar sound of it as it slashed through the air. Erwin looked at Armin's direction immediately. Armin was behind a trail. Fire remains. He knows that Hoover and Braun were near the area.

So close.

He thought, he clenched his teeth to cope up with his trembling.


"Ben, behind Hange." Alyssa said to Ben as she pointed Hange. Ben nodded at her.

"Cohen and Beckett together at the bottom of the wall—" she paused and pointed the inner bottom part of the wall, and faced Ashlynn and Izabelle, "— the both of you, the outer part is where you will be, Ashlynn and Izabelle, be prepared of your surroundings."

Alyssa distributed all her orders in a low voice, "once we fire a smoke signal, you guys fire too. Understood?"

"Understood Captain." They all answered and went to their positions.


"Not a single Titan in sight." Alyssa hummed, smiling slightly. Levi really thinks that she was insane, more than him perhaps. There she is again, how can she smile at a situation like this? He thought, bothered.

Maybe they killed it off. Alyssa thought, her eyes narrowing. Setting the stage for us, perhaps?

"This is all too strange though not gonna lie." Alyssa said seriously and Levi again stared at her as if she was absurd.

Does this woman really have fast mood swings?

"But we have to keep moving." Levi said, his voice sharp and almost at the edge.

"Yeah, there's no reason to call it off." Alyssa said back and glanced at Hange who was the one who held their flare. Hange caught her stare and they both nodded as they covered their one ear, raising their flares facing the sky and triggered it.

After that, multiple green smoke signals followed afterwards.


"The hole?!" Alyssa shouted down at the outer part of the wall to the scouts down there including the two women in her temporary squad.

"Success!" Izabelle shouted back and fired the flare gun, the green smoke signal shot through the air.

"How about there?!" Levi shouted at the men at the inner part of the wall, to see if the wall was plugged successfully, no holes and such things.

"It's plugged all right!" Cohen shouted back, almost cracking his voice but he managed it just fine. Firing the flare gun.

"We did it." Hange sighed in relief as she watched the green smoke signal shot upwards.

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