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"Hello, loves." Alyssa smirked, as she landed swiftly and nicely without anyone hearing her footsteps. They were all surrounding the bar that Levi went into. Alyssa followed her man even though she knew that he was capable of himself. She heard a loud gun shot from inside the bar and a body flew out of the bar and it was Kenny, he wasn't shot he was just passed out from the impact.

"Surprised?" She laughed like a psychopath as she slashed her blades to Kenny's men. Her blades were once again stained with human blood instead of Titan blood.

Well, I wouldn't mind killing some of your men when you have killed mine. She thought like a psychopath. Her blades were swift, and suddenly she saw Levi coming out from outside the bar, she slashed the one who shot at the chair dummy and almost Levi had hit her with his grapple hook.

"Oh wow, nice greeting." Alyssa rolled her eyes sarcastically and Levi just smiled rolling his eyes, coming back to action as the both of them killed the two men on top of the roof who were too shocked to move. Their blades slashed through their bodies.

"I'm glad you're here, baby," Levi panted as they both crouched taking a break. Alyssa smiled and chuckled, wiping the human blood that was on her blades to the chimney of the building or house they were on top of. Levi had a mocking smirk.

"I'm glad that I came." She smiled, Levi leaned in catching her face on both of his hands and kissed her, hard. Alyssa's eyes widened and closed her eyes as they kissed. Levi pulled away hastily, he licked his lips wiping the side of it, smirking. Alyssa blinked and bit her lip hard. "Really? After we just killed people we're having this moment?" She chuckled.

"I just feel that it was the right moment to do it." He said with pure amusement in his tone. "How was it?" Levi asked, he threw his blades that were filled with blood, changed it into clean ones. He was watching her carefully, Alyssa had a psychotic thin smile in her face but it quickly disappeared, turning into a frown, as she cleaned her blades once more.

She knew she had to kill humans again now that it's not just Titans anymore. Levi and her had both flashbacks of the people again that they have killed back then, but they couldn't hide the fact that the both of them enjoyed how their blades and grapple hooks pierced through their bodies.

Levi saw how slow her breathing was.

"I have never felt so alive again."


"Oi, don't just fucking fly there!" Alyssa shouted when she saw them, their eyes widened at the sight of their Captain and Vice-Captain. Levi was ahead, her eyes widened when she saw one of Kenny's men behind Levi.

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and fired her grapple hook near at his chest and as she flew, she swung the attached body in her grapple hook to Levi's as Levi slashed his blades fiercely to the man.

She sighed, she was glad they had good teamwork.

She and Levi both clutched at different buildings ordering that they should follow the wagon where Historia and Eren really is. Levi warned them that they should be careful because the guys that Kenny has were experienced people, experienced to kill.

"Vice-Captain. Where did you learn....?" Jean asked out of shock while they were in mid-air. Alyssa glanced at him, her eyes hooded and full of bloodlust, but she didn't want to show that to the kids. They were used to fighting Titans after all and not humans.

"Don't ask questions you wouldn't want or like the answer to, Jean." Alyssa said and before she charged getting the one man that was on the back of the wagon, "If you have the chance to kill, do not hesitate. Hesitation will bring us nowhere."

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