64| i n v a s i o n

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Thank you for 61k-64k reads, Cadets!!

Hope you enjoy this deadass boring chapter.


Innocent people. Dying. Again.

Alyssa thought, seeing dead bodies that were ran and been crushed by at the ground. Blood oozing on the cement. Blood flowing out from their heads, noses and their mouths.

Every part of their body.

Alyssa thought. She closed her eyes momentarily and fluttered them open when she heard a gunshot. She immediately stepped at the side and threw her dagger, it hit on the shooters forehead.

Their eyes wide as blood slowly came out as they dropped.

Her eyes became wide for a second realizing what she had done, but there was no time for being shock with her actions. They were at war. Despite what Hange said to keep low casualties, the corpses crushed in the ground by Eren's appearance said so otherwise.

She just sighed and when she saw a group of soldiers making their way towards her, she raised her hands and fired her gear making her fly backwards. She swung her right arm and the thunder spear got out from under it, and when she pulled—the soldiers who were going to charge, got their bodies exploded into bits.


Levi was itching to kill Zeke Yeager. The Beast Titan. It had haunt him for 4 years that he never killed him. It always came to him at night despite he was sleeping beside his woman, Alyssa, he would always wake up—in despair, knowing that he didn't manage to kill the Beast Titan when he promised Erwin that he would do it. That he certainly would.

"You can't kill him. Not now."

Alyssa's words rung inside his head, as if it was a reminder that-that wasn't part of the plan. They needed Zeke for now, he was not the target to kill—but to obtain. Levi clicked his tongue as he glided, making a turn mid-air, trying to control the urge to kill the man he absolutely despised.


The Warhammer Titan wasn't still down. Despite Eren crushing it down heavily and Mikasa placing numerous thunder spears on its nape—because unlike the normal Titans that they have encountered, this Titan, the Warhammer Titan—the shifter isn't located in the nape.


"'Ello." Alyssa greeted some of the scouts gathered in the rooftop. They all looked at her direction—stared oddly at her, seeing how confident her walk was and how calm her voice is. Sasha, Connie and Jean looked relieved in her presence. "What's the situation here?"

"All things are well." Jean answered, but he paused. Alyssa rose a brow as she walked near Sasha and Connie—but maintained a safe distance as she was slightly jealous of how all her known children have grew taller. Outgrowing her and Levi—which Levi really despised about.

"For the time being." Jean continued.

"Anything can happen at this point." Alyssa interjected. "All things are set?" she asked, changing the topic. All of them muttered words of affirmation. She then left Jean, the Commanding Officer, there with the other scouts who have gathered. She went to help Mikasa, flying her way towards the middle ground.

"Mikasa!" Alyssa cried out. Mikasa who was firing her grapple hooks mid-air looked at her, a glint of relief flashed through her eyes momentarily but then she remembered she was fighting the Warhammer Titan—her relief became frustration, seeing that the Titan wouldn't die even she already fired on the Warhammer's nape.

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