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Happy 20k and 21k reads Cadets! Thank you so much!

Are y'all ready for the next chapters? *wicked grin*


"Jean!" Alyssa called him. Jean slowly turned to Vice-Captain Alyssa, with a raised brow. Alyssa rolled her eyes seeing how annoyed he looked. She gestured for him to come near her, and Jean's tall figure strutted his way lazily to Alyssa. Her office door was open, and she just saw him walking by the hall.

"Ya need something Vice-Cap?" he slurred. He looked like he had no sleep, thinking about the operation of taking Wall Maria nearing. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair messy.

"Can you find these people for me?" she asked, and gave her the list of her temporary squad mates. She was lazy to find them, she also needed to talk to her temporary squad mates for them to be informed. Jean received the list reluctantly, he skimmed the list and all he saw was unfamiliar names.

"Who are these people?" he frowned as he checked the list. He never knew who they were. Why is she asking me to find them? He frowned. He had no choice though, he was under his Vice-Captain's orders.

"My temporary squadmates." Alyssa said hesitantly. Her tone rose, then lowered. She saw how Jean looked at her with widened eyes, and confusion tainted on them.

A look that says, 'What did you say?'

"What? Temporary?" Jean repeated. "For how long?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

Is she leaving us? He thought. He was worried.

"Just the day of the operation, after that I will no longer be their Captain. I'll be back as Vice-Captain of Levi Squad." She smiled and went behind Jean to push him through the door. "Go on, find them for me. I am sure that they're here somewhere in the headquarters.

"You owe me meat, Vice-Cap!" Jean screamed as Alyssa gave him a kick to push him out of her office.


"Thank you, Jean." Alyssa grinned at him while Jean rolled his eyes. He delivered the people she wanted to see in front of her office. All of her temporary squadmates were inside her office now, Jean brought them to her as per her command. All of them was not looking at her, averting their gaze elsewhere. Looking everywhere but at the infamous Alyssa Klidpreinz sitting on her chair. Her two arms propped onto the table, her legs crossed while her fingers intertwined in front of her.

A wicked grin on her lips.

"Meat." Jean only muttered, his eyes narrowed. Alyssa again just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yea, now shooo horse face." she said and pointed at the door, indicating him to leave. Jean snarled at her, Alyssa glared at him. "Close the door!" she exclaimed when Jean was a few inches away from her door.

Jean rolled his eyes and slammed the door. All of her temp squad mates flinched at that.

Alyssa shook her head, and gestured for them to sit. They did not listen. Alyssa tilted her head slightly. They're not looking at me, shall I snap their faces towards me? She thought but immediately shook her head, her dark thoughts were overwhelming her again. She was annoyed when no one listened to her immediately.

"Shall I drag your asses in order for you guys to take a seat?" Alyssa said coldly. "Or you will do it on your own?" she snapped. As if they were robots, they immediately sat on the long couch, their backs stiff, their hands trembling as it were on top of their knees.

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