Chapter 49 - Tragic End

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April 5th, 6:29 AM - Unknown Location - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Enzo's lifeless face stared at her as he lay there slumped against the wall. Oddly enough she felt a bit relieved that the person she had didn't killed was Dano. While he was a criminal at the end of the day and she was determined to see him behind bars, she couldn't help but wonder about his wish for a family.

As she waited there still crouched on the floor, no other gunman came to replace the fallen man.

Her next step inside that room was a gamble. Would she be shot at, or would she be the one to shoot? At the end of the day, it came down to wits.

Slowly rising into a steady stance, she pushed the door open, her body moving with it to gain as much cover as possible.

"Dano, it's over," she called out.

Nothing. As expected she received no response back.

She tried again. "Think about Rosa. If you really love her, you won't let this fight continue. Just turn yourself in."

Still, as she stood there with each second, the man made no move to show himself. Azura grew restless. Licking her lips in anticipation, she called out once more. "What if I told you," she paused.

Fuck...does he deserve to know this? Would it be the tiebreaker to get him to surrender?

While Azura knew providing information was breaking every rule in the book, her intuition told her to offer this precious piece of info.

"What if...I told you, that son of yours? He...never died during childbirth. He's actually alive and well in Chicago."

A slight rustle. It was so faint, had Azura not been focusing on listening she would have missed it.

"Don't you want to know why I met with Rosa?" she added, believing it would an effect. And it did. 

"Don't fuck with me right now," the raspy voice finally spoke.

She sighed, knowing well that if the sincerity in her tone wasn't enough, then there was nothing else that could convince him.

"I'm not. But you won't be able to know anything else unless you turn yourself in and end this. I'm offering you the chance to meet your -."

"Shit!" a deep voice exclaimed from behind her. Whirling to the left, to find the person who had made their presence known, she came face to face with an armed man.

Shots fired, but neither hit their target and instinctively she dove into the room for cover. As she plastered herself to the wall, her eyes found Dano who stood there behind the desk, gun still in hand. But he didn't raise it and point it at her.

As he stared at her, she could sense the conflict he was battling as his stormy gaze flickered between her and the door with hesitation.

Another couple of shots were fired from outside the room and she growled in annoyance.

You better not fucking shoot me Dano...

Abandoning her gun on the floor, she put her body as flat as possible against the wall beside the door and waited.

Just as the tip of the barrel of the gun came into view, her left hand shot out grabbing onto the weapon. With a swift and forceful yank, she pulled forward and then down, disarming the man. At the same time, she drove her right elbow into his nose, disorienting him for a few seconds. Now in possession of the gun, she flicked it in her hand, to have a better grip on the barrel.

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