Chapter 38 - Reassigned

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March 31st, 3:09 AM - In Some Dark Alleyway - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Staring at the unconscious men on the ground, she let out a growl, beyond angry with herself for letting these pathetic excuses for men get the better of her.

She gingerly walked around them until she stopped in front of the leader, the very same man who tried to pull a gun on her that night. 

At least that high schooler knew better than to take my words lightly, unlike this piece of shit.

She was silently thankful that the young teen wasn't caught in the mess, not wanting to have the need to hurt him.

Crouching beside the beaten man, she watched as he looked at her through one eye, the other too swollen for him to even crack open.

"I told you before not to come after my friend or me. Yet you had the guts to lurk around the university campus."

Without warning, she jabbed a finger into the open wound on his knee, earning a disgruntled cry of pain. "Maybe you still haven't learned your lesson. But if you step even within a mile radius of campus again, or anywhere near my friend and I, well, you're gonna wish I finished you off today."

The fear in the man's eye drew out a nasty smirk on her lips as she finally stopped her torture. Wiping his blood on his shirt, she stood back up to do a final check before continuing her way out of the alley.

The sticky, viscous substance that was dripping down her own arm acted as an urgent reminder that she needed to tend to her wounds...pronto.

It was safe to say that she had won, but it came at the sacrifice of a deep gash on her thigh and forearm. The one on her thigh was wider, and with each painful step, blood gushed out.

Once she was out of sight, her posture weakened. She limped as quickly as she could out of the dark parking lot before finally slipping into the car that was waiting for her. During times like this, she wished she had asked Amir to come with her as her getaway driver or to have Noble on standby with the first aid kit.

Thankfully she had a scarf in the back and used it to wrap her leg tightly in a sorry attempt to stop the flow. Wincing from the pain, she slapped her cheeks, bringing her head to the present situation.

First, start the car. Second, make it to your room. Third, make a temporary fix for the wounds till you can get to the training grounds tomorrow.

Gritting her teeth in determination, she shifted the car into drive before speeding off into the empty streets. Using her left hand, she pressed the speed dial for Amir, who had promised to monitor the security around Preston's dorm.


"Hey, everything good?"

"Yeah, nothing out of the ordinary. No unusual visits or people remotely close to his room. He's probably clueless and watching a movie." In any other situation, Amir's report would have made her laugh since he sounded like a bored babysitter watching over an obedient child.

"Thanks, Amir. I owe you one."

A grunt was all she heard in response. They lapsed into silence, and she found it hard to say the final words to end their conversation. Wanting to keep him on the line, just to make sure she got to her destination in one piece, she refused to hit the red button. 

And thanks to his silent ability, Amir remained on the line without question. With no cops on her tail and speeding over 30 mph, she was parked in her spot faster than usual. "Alright, I'm back."

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