Chapter 1 - Activated

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January 19th, 8:30 AM - HYENA HQ - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


"Agent 69, please have a seat."

Azura smirked. Mr. Goodwill was finally able to call out her number without choking, coughing or blushing profusely. Pulling out a chair, she placed her self down, one leg crossed over the other. The air of arrogance around her came with being part of a pilot espionage program from the time she knew how to walk. Her years of experience in the field of lies and deceit were on par with the older gentleman in front of her.

"Joseph, how are you?" The smile that accompanied the question only made him clear his throat before answering with a curt response. "Fine. And you?"

She leaned back in her chair, fully aware of how her deep V neck fast stretched with her. "Fine, could be better."

And there it was, the light pink at the tips of the ears.

She wanted to laugh, honest. This rigid FBI agent was just one of the many she encountered in her line of work. They either warmed up to her, realizing she was harmless if you paid your respects, or they remained just as stiff and eventually developed SPS.

Azura promised to him silently that she would end her tortured and patiently waited for her handler to join their briefing.

As the clock hit 6:00 AM, the doors opened, and an immaculately dressed man entered the door with a young girl and boy in tow.

Craning her neck to get a better look at the newcomers, her eyes widened as she recognized the playful glint in her eyes and the unruly mess of black curls.


Ignoring her previous poised position, Azura sprung to her feet to catch the girl in a hug.

The laugh that came from her friend made her smile more. "Hey, Azu, long time no see."

She rolled her eyes before ushering her into the chair beside her. "And who's fault is that? You went AWOL, and Amir didn't even tell us you were back!"

Her foot shot out to kick him, but he had anticipated it, easily dodging it. "My bad, Zu." That was his form of apology before he took a seat.

Ignoring him, she turned her attention back to Johnny.

Her friend and recently made comrade laughed again, grinning that mischievous grin which Azura claimed won over her childhood friend's emotionless heart.

"Well, you see, these guys," obviously gesturing at her supervisor, "have been shipping me off all over the world to get small odd jobs done. By the time I finished in Peru, I had another mission waiting for my inbox. But to my surprise, it was back here, and the mission was yours."

Azura's delight turned sour when she heard that her younger co-worker was getting overworked. She glared at the man who had taken a seat beside Mr.Goodwill.

"Mano, is this true? Are you working my sister to the bone, and just because she's new?"

But Manuel (Mano) Watson didn't even bat an eye at Azura's anger. Why would he when he was all too familiar with her attitude and her protective tendencies when it came to her close friends.

"Ms. Maroon has been given a long, well deserved leave of absence after the successful completion of Phase 1."

She nodded in approval before turning to Johnny, who watched her with an amused expression. "Good. And you let me know if they make you go start another fire."

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