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Hello Readers (Old and New)

I have been on an extremely long hiatus and am slowly building my way back up to become more active on Wattpad. But even on my hiatus, I have been shown so much love and support and I wanted to thank everyone who has given this book a chance by giving it a vote, a read, or adding it to your reading list. 

Part of me never thought my book would still get readers to this day, but I have been mistaken (and I couldn't be happier that I was in the wrong). 

While I have been on this hiatus, I have given my books a second thought, especially The Devil's 5'5. I know my writing has improved from my first draft and I am confident that I can also create a better storyline to help with character and plot development. 

With this being said, I wanted to ask my readers: 

1. Would you be interested in reading an updated version? 

2. If yes, would you want the updates to be on this book or should a publish a separate version?

If you're wondering how different the storyline would be, I can assure you the overall plot would be the same, however, I do plan to make some big changes to my character development subplots to help bring the characters to life! 

Your feedback would mean a lot -  so if you can leave me a comment or even send me a personal message with your thoughts I would be grateful! 

Thank you again - Johnny 

The Devil's 5'5Where stories live. Discover now