Chapter 14 - Movie Night

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February 9th, 7:02 PM - Elgin Hall Residence - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Azura slammed the door a few more times, releasing all the pent-up anger inside her.

"Fuck you Preston!" she growled as she raced to wear some actual clothing. Hopping from one place to another in her room, she slipped in her blue tooth earphone.

"Call Friday."

As Alexa made the call, Azura quickly strapped on her knives whilst keeping an eye on the red dot that moved on her GPS screen.

"Hey babe, great timing. Did you want pesto or – "

"Sorry Micah, I have to reschedule."  Maybe it was the urgency in her voice as she became more and more anxious as the red dot moved farther way, but her abrupt cancellation didn't receive an angry remark as she expected.

"Uh, yeah sure. Is everything okay?" the concern in his voice made Azura gag, as she finished lacing up her boots.

"Yup! Everything is fine, something just came up. I'll let you know when I'm free next week!" As she reached up to end the call, he still continued the conversation.

"Alright...but if you need anything, call me. Doesn't matter what time. I'll come over."

"Yeah thanks," she offered weakly, ending the call before anything more could be said.  She shuddered in disgust, making a mental note that she would have to end things with him.

Grabbing her phone and keys she sprinted out of her room and out the door. Taking the stairs, she raced outside, not slowing her pace until she was within at least 50 meters of the blinking dot. When she got to an empty park, right next to campus, she slowly did a search trying to locate him. But he found her first.

"Azura? What are you doing here?"

Silently cursing for getting caught, she whirled around offering a smile. Letting him close the distance between them, she placed her hands on her hips and faked exhaustion.

"I followed you," she said, as she fanned herself for added effect.

He frowned looking around her. "Why? What happened to your date night?"

She tried not to show her let her lips fall into a frown at the mention of her original plans and offered him a closed-lip smile. "He cancelled."

"Was it because of me?" he asked, and she could see that he was ready to jump into his apology.

"No, no. Something just came up. I felt bad that you had left, so I ran after you to ask if you wanted to come back and do your usual movie night."

He nodded slowly. "Wow, thanks. You're pretty fast though for being able to catch up to me."

She laughed brushing it off with the excuse that she did track. When he didn't question her further, they both made the short walk back home. Walking five feet apart and in absolute silence, Azura was left to her own thoughts which involved planning a quiet evening in her room.

Guess I'll have to restore to the good old method of smut one-shots and a vibrator.

She heaved a sigh, the disappointment of the soiled night plans only hers to bare alone.

Once they reached their dorm room, Azura gave him a nod before heading to her room. "Enjoy your movie night."

Reaching for the doorknob, his sudden offering stopped her. "Wait, why don't you join me."

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