Chapter 36 - Confessions

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March 27th, 12:58 AM - Elgin Hall Residence - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Azura flung her dagger at the driver's hand that was inching towards the gun that was most definitely hidden in his car door. It lodged itself into his palm, the force of the throw, making it cleanly penetrate through.

He howled in pain while she watched in silence. The boy in the passenger seat didn't dare move because the pressure of the knife on his neck had increased, enough to draw a little blood.

"If you didn't get the message yet, I can do more."

Incoherent profanities continued to fall out of the driver's mouth. Ignoring him, her gaze turned to the boy who trembled in his seat. He was probably still in high school by the looks of it, which made Azura frown in pity.

"W-We'll leave. We swear."

Narrowing her eyes, she leaned closer, making the boy flinch. Her voice dropped to a whisper, "Good. Because I have backup on their way, and if you or your friend even think for a second to come back for another round, the second you turn your car around, you will be dead."

Again, he stuttered an obedient plea, and she slowly released her hold. Immediately the boy closed the window as the driver continued to glare daggers at her.

Ah fuck, I'll need to track him down later. Why do men have to be such animals?

"Preston, move back up against that wall. Keep following it to the right, and there will be an alley. Go in there, now." Her authoritative tone didn't leave room for argument or negotiations, and she soon heard the retreating footsteps. Right now, her goal was to get far away from these men without putting Preston in harm's way.

She continued to back away, her eyes glued to the car still idling in front of her. Gripping her knife with one hand, she used the free one to tap on the hidden device in her ear.

"I need backup ASAP."

"Already got your coordinates; we're there in 20." Noble's voice calmed the slight traces of nerves that started to stir within her. With no gun or high ground, she was an easy target for her perpetrators. Praying that her threat had scared the younger boy into talking some sense into his companion, she continued to move away.

But before she had to move to the alley, screeching tires faintly echoed in the distance. The black Audi approached the Lamborghini from behind, which finally decided to leave. It sped off but not before making an exaggerated display of swerving their car left and right.

She watched as it disappeared around the corner, giving her the all-clear to retrieve Preston from his hiding spot. Jogging over to the alleyway, she passed on her chase to find Preston; she paused as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. 

"Preston?" she called out quietly.  "You can come out now. They're gone, and our ride is here."

A figure moved in response, and she made out the silhouette of the tallboy. As he came within a clear view, he had a nervous glint in his eye. 

"Are you okay?" Two more steps and he was near her, his eyes searching her entire body. 

"I'm fine. Trust me. But we need to get out of here. Let's go."

--- --

During the entire duration of the drive, no one spoke. After Noble and Amir dropped them off at home, they silently split off, each dying to get out of their sweaty outfits and into some clean ones.

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