Special Chapter - Fiends

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Hey guys, this chapter is to celebrate 1000 reads (a first for me). Here's a chapter I had intitally created for fun but didn't post as part of the main story line since it really doesn't add too much value to it. It's just a fun little tid bit after a friend of mine asked me how Azura would act with kids. And well here you have it. I hope it's kinda funny. Enjoy! 

March 11, 2:15 PM Byron's House - Creede, Colorado Azura's POV


~ At the Babyshower ~

Despite being the soon-to-be mother's friend, Beatrice was nowhere in sight, which was the only thing keeping Azura around. She watched from her corner as Preston laughed at something his friend had said, finally starting to enjoying himself.

Not wanting to take him away from that, she stayed quiet, keeping herself busy with her phone. As she mindlessly typed away a few ideas for his upcoming presentation, a little tug was felt on her dress.

Looking down, a little girl had fallen in front of her. A few feet away, another boy and girl became frozen statues as they looked up at her in fear.

Raising a single eyebrow, she slowly lowered herself into a squat to be at eye level with her new friends.


She might as well have said boo because the two kiddies scampered off squealing, leaving their friend behind. She stared at them in disbelief, not at all aware of what she had done to scare them.

What'd I do? I just said hi!

Turning her attention to the little girl, she could practically see her shivering, which only baffled her more. "Can I help you?"

Again, it was merely an innocent question, yet somehow it created the opposite of the desired effect. The trembling lips and watery eyes only told her that she had started the waterworks.

"Wait, are you crying?" her voice slightly alarmed.

As the girl continued to cry, Azura gawked, her mind going blank.

"Wait, don't cry, come on. Why are you crying?"

It was one thing to make a grown man cry, but it was another to cause a wee child to bawl their eyes out from a simple question. Besides, with the weird stares she had received from the start of her visit, she didn't need or want the title "child tormentor" attached to her.

Nothing in her line of duty had prepared her to deal with children, and that too the emotional kind.

Affection! Show her affection. Should I pat her head? ... Think Azu...she is not a dog...God damn it.

Reaching out, she awkwardly ruffled the hair of the whimpering child and even patted her on the back for adequate measures. "Okay, that's enough tears. You're a big girl, come on."

The girl stared at her with big eyes but thankfully did not continue to wail. Taking that as a positive sign, she tried her question again. "Did you hurt yourself when you fell?"

It was a muted response, but at least the little head shake gave her an answer.

"Great, so stand up."

Straightening herself, she watched as the little girl followed pursuit, pushing herself up with her hands. She dusted them before craning her head up to stare at Azura. The child's doll-like eyes were glued to her, making Azura shift uneasily in her spot. In all of Azura's career, never had she faltered against the threats, the nasty comments or judgemental stares of her superiors.

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