Chapter 25 - The Past Hurts

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March 10th, 8:54 PM Seven Oaks Ranch - Creede, Colorado Azura's POV


Before she knew it, the week was almost at its end and it was Thursday night. In two days, she would be flown back to campus where her mission would continue.

She glanced at her hand which was no longer wrapped in an unnecessary amount of gauze. After they reached the barn, before even tending to the horses, he ushered her into the house to provide her first aid care. No matter how many times she insisted on the fact that she was fine, he ignored her and had been rather dramatic. It wasn't until his father came home and gave him the all clear did, he remove the five rolls of dressing he had wrapped around her arm.

To ensure that she didn't attempt the chores again, he woke up as early as 5AM the next morning. Even when she did the easy tasks, he would watch her like a hawk ready to step in at the slightest show of pain.

She should have been more annoyed given that she hated when people found her incapable, especially men. But with Preston it was endearing and cute. She almost liked the attention he gave her and the fact that he remained close by.

She couldn't help but laugh at the memory, as she subconsciously traced the bandage on her arm. 

"Mind if I join you?"

From the swinging chair on their backyard porch, Azura leaned forward to see Mr. Andrews standing there, with two cups of steaming coco and a smile.

She welcomed him with a genuine one of her own. "Not at all."

He handed her a mug which she gratefully accepted before placing himself on the chair beside her.

"Lovely night, not too cold out."

Laughing at the classic weather small talk, she silently agreed with his observation. From the day she arrived she never got a chance to interact with his father one on one, this being her first. It seemed like he felt the same way too.

"I never got to say it since Preston has been flocking you like some protective mother hen but thank you. For what you're doing for my son. I'm sorry about your hand, again."

She smiled unable to stop herself from joking. "That's a first. Usually I'd be expecting the skepticism that would come with my line of work and the fact that I, a woman, am placed as protection for your son."

Mr. Andrews shook his head, denying the sexist and, in a sense, misogynistic claim. "You have done your training just like your fellow male peers. If you've made it this far then it has to be accredited to your skills."

His words of encouragement made her heart swell with happiness.

"Thank you. For believing in my skills, Mr. Andrews. I appreciate it."

"Call me Samuel."

They both lapsed into silence watching the sun as it started to descend over the horizon.

"I also wanted to thank you for being kind to my son. He's not that great when to comes to being social with girls, so I appreciate the patience and the fact that you haven't given up on him."

She took another gulp of the coco, licking her lips for any remaining residue.

"He told me about his gynophobia."

"Is that what he still calls it?"

Azura turned to finally look at the old man, and saw the small frown set on his thin lips. His eyes seemed to resemble that of a tired senior even though he was only in his late 40's.

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