Chapter 28 - First Date

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March 14, 2:15 PM Woodland Park -  Chicago, IL Preston's POV


As they strolled at a slow pace down the park's path, Preston took in his surroundings. Families, couples, friends of all age groups were scattered around the park doing various activities. The laughter of a pair of siblings drew his attention and he couldn't help but smile as he watched them play.

Azura would be the type to play with her kids.

He thought to himself as he saw the mother sitting and watching nearby.


The timid voice that reminded him of his own made him snap out of his momentary daydream to which he chastised himself for having. "Uh yes, sorry. I was staring at the game over there seems super intense," he nodded meekly towards the children up ahead.

They both watched as a young boy missed the soccer ball after wildly swinging at it. A young girl waddle up beside him and picked up the ball and the father nearby held his head in his hands. 

Isn't much of a game when its against toddlers. 

Clearing his throat to divert her attention from the child play, he mustered up another question. "Do, Do you like kids?"

His face scrunched together in embarrassment from the randomness of his question, but Veronica just giggled softly. "Yes, I do. In a perfect world, I would want to have two, one boy and one girl. But that can all change after I experience having one," she said with a knowing chuckle.

He understood what she meant agreeing with a smile. As they continued to walk, side by side  Preston couldn't help but silently compare the very obvious gap between them unlike when he had been with Azura.

Then again that was because we were pretending to be a couple.

"Um, what about you? Do you see yourself having kids in the future?"

He stared at her before turning his head to redirect his gaze to the path in front of him. "Uh yeah, I do. I think I've always wanted a big family so maybe three kids? Who knows though, that could change if my wife isn't up for it," he joked as he took another sip of his coffee.

Azura would be able to keep up with that desire though. She would not have any complaints.

When he realized what he had just imagined, he coughed violently, spraying out coffee residue out of his mouth. Veronica light patted his back asking repeatedly if he was okay, to which he just nodded.

What is wrong with me today? Why the fuck am I comparing everything to her?

"Are you okay Preston?" Veronica had slowed her pace till she was at a standstill.

Preston followed her actions trying to reassure her. "Oh yeah, I drank it too fast."

"No, I meant, are you okay? You seem, distracted? I don't know, I could just be imagining it but you seem to be thinking of something. Is something bothering you?" She had gently reached out to brush his arm and Preston bit his lip in guilt. Here he was, with a genuinely kindhearted girl who had all his ideal traits for a girlfriend, yet his mind seemed to be occupied with that of another.

Enough, Focus Preston. FOCUS! Azura did all this to help you. Don't let this chance slip away from you. Forget about Azura, she's probably off having fun with Tuesday.

While he couldn't tell her his exact thoughts, he decided to share an honest fact. 

"Sorry I haven't been fair to you. This was meant to be a relaxing date and an apology for being an ass at the movies."

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