Chapter 16 - Veronica

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February 16th, 6:00 PM - Campus Starbucks - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Another week had managed to roll around concluding her third week on the job. Thanks to midterms and assignments, Azura was left to watch over the studious engineer who merely went from their room to the library and back.

But with Friday marking the end of the long brutal week, he was found seated at the same table with his usual crew.

She was perched a good distance away where she had a clear visual of him and everything around him. With the latest beats headphones perched on her head, she wasn't like the other students listening to music or watching movies. In her headset, the deep husky voice of her tech support, Michael, came through every now and again.

"Seems like plans are being made for later tonight."

She shivered slightly upon hearing his voice.

That voice always has me feeling a type of way. I should get him to talk dirt-.


"Yes, thank you for the heads up I'll take note of the details."

"Copy that."

Within a few seconds, a set of voices replaced Michael's. Given that Chloe was missing today, there were only three others that accompanied Preston today.

"We should go to the movies today to celebrate hell week number 1! What do you guys say?" She knew the voice belonged to Naomi and she silently gagged.

"I'm down," came a male voice that Azura knew wasn't Preston's. Jamal.

She waited, for Preston's answer which didn't come right away.

"Preston, are you okay to go? I know you said you have two lab reports due next week."  Veronica.

Azura rolled her eyes at the mom friend who seemed to baby Preston too much for her liking.

"Yeah, but I think a break would be nice. Which movie do you guys wanna watch?" Azura's eyebrows rose upon hearing his response. She hadn't expected him to agree especially since he would be stuck with two girls. She continued to listen quickly typing in the location, time and movie into her phone. She tuned in for a few seconds until the group dispersed.

"We'll have someone track him tonight," the deep voice assured her.

"Thanks, Michael, I'll keep you posted if anything changes."

"Copy that." With that, the voice left her and Azura was finally alone. She packed up her stuff as she glanced every now and again at the red dot that moved in the direction of their dorm. Slinging her bag on she followed him.


She sat in the parking lot, watching through her tinted windows as Preston and Veronica stood in front of the theatres, waiting for the last two members of their group to join them. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the distance that he placed between himself and Veronica, making her feel slightly better about the way he often acted towards her. After his confession, and Mano blowing her off, Azura restored to continuing her surveillance and protection from as far as possible.

Preston seemed to notice this change in behaviour because he began to get comfortable within their living quarters. She learnt of new habits that only started to surface earlier this week. For instance, singing in the shower. When she had first heard it she had to silently tiptoe towards the door and place her ear against it. Though muffled, she was able to make out a rather in tune and melodious voice. If she had to compare it, she would say it reminded her of Frank Sinatra.

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