Chapter 42 - Drugged

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April 4th, 9:58 AM - University of Chicago - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


"You really don't have to come you know," Preston told her for the third time as he stood near her. Staring down at her, she had to shield her eyes from the blinding sun to look back up at him. "I'm fine Preston, don't worry."

As per her renewed mission, she had to be extra cautious with Dano on the loose and as a result, accompanied Preston whenever possible. It was the better alternative in comparison to lurking in the shadows. However, her energy level had depleted faster than usual today and it was all thanks to her menstrual cramps.

Making their way into the library, Azura's eyes were peeled for any suspicious activity. However, instead, she caught sight of something worse. 


With no energy to sass the girl or listen to her be her mother hen like self around Preston, she slowed her steps, allowing Preston to go ahead of her. But to her surprise, he noticed when she was no longer beside him and turned around to beckon her forward.

She gave him a slight shake of her head hoping he wouldn't push the matter further. "You guys talk, I'll give you some privacy."

"Privacy? For what, we're just friends. Besides, you already met Veronica before, remember. Just come say hello."

Before she could try arguing again, Veronica was already approaching them leaving Azura with no time to escape. Sighing loudly, she tiredly acknowledged Veronica but made no move to expand on that greeting. 

Veronica appeared unfazed and simply smiled in response, greeting them both.  Azura's eyes shrivelled into slits, suddenly suspicious when she didn't sense any malicious intentions.

"Did you get the same book for SCI2391?" she asked, glancing at the book in Preston's hand. Soon the pair were engaged in an in-depth discussion about the course, professor and assignments. When her phone buzzed she shifted away but still kept her eyes glued to them.  She had expected it to be Mano with an update but did a double-take when it was an unknown number.

Contemplating on whether to answer, she cut it close and answered on the last ring. Tentatively placing it against her ear, she waited for the voice on the other end to speak first.

"Y-you need to leave from the dorm."

Her entire body stiffened when she heard the fragile voice that was trying its best to not break.

"I don't have long, and there are too many eyes and ears around me. Just know that they're on to you. Leave right now because they're on their way to your location. He knows about you."

The short and rushed sentences poked at Azura's nerves. Something was very wrong and with the little information, she was receiving she had to make the safest move.

"Rosa, where are you?"

But the woman ignored her request and gave her a final warning. "You have 10 minutes, please listen to me."

"Wait, Rosa tell me where you are?" But no response came after and the dial tone was the only thing that sounded back. Pulling her phone back to her, she stared at it mutely as Rosa's words rang in her head.

He knows about you. You have ten minutes. Ten minutes.

Quickly dialling Noble's personal number, she chewed on her lip impatiently as she waited for him to pick up all while staring at Preston. When she heard the voicemail she cursed before trying Amir, already moving towards Preston. When Amir also didn't answer she stuffed her phone into her pocket. Taking a breath, she waited near the pair of friends who were still enjoying their amicable discussion.

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