Chapter 13 - Trench Coat

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February 9th, 6:43 PM - Elgin Hall Residence - Chicago, IL Preston's POV


Preston didn't see Azura that night, nor did he see her the next day. The feeling of regret had slowly started to build the more he thought back to the fiasco at their table.

He knew he should have stood up for Azura, even if she scared him more often than not. Aside from the little kinks at the start, he had to admit that she had been nothing but accommodating. Agreeing to his rules, offering her place, were all nagging reminders of how good she had been to him.

It was finally Friday and he was able to head home, ready to relax and enjoy his movie night.

Maybe I could offer her the option to watch it with me. I'll even let her pick the movie!

The idea wasn't half bad, and he began to make a mental list of some snacks he could whip up for them. 

Stepping into the condo, he did a slow search of the quiet space as he removed his shoes. Drifting his gaze towards the slightly ajar door, debating if he should announce that he was back.

What? Should I shout, honey I'm home? Get a grip, Preston.

Quietly hyping himself up, he called out her name. But the word was lodged in his throat when she appeared unannounced. She hadn't seen him yet and had paused at her bedroom entrance, balancing on one leg she tried to fasten her heel.

When she finally stood up Preston gapped at her before unconsciously dropping his bag. The loud thud brought her attention to him. Dressed in red lace lingerie, Preston's brain stopped, the familiar error messages in his head popping up as he tried to make sense of her attire.

Holy hell what in the name...

"WHAT are you w-wearing??!" A mixture of shock, slight horror and incredulous made him squawk out his question.

She only rolled her eyes as she quickly slipped on her trench-coat. "You're home early."

"That's all your gonna wear on top!" His mind was reeling knowing that underneath that coat was nothing, but flimsy fabric commonly known as underwear.

"Yes, Dad. Don't worry the jacket follows the finger rule," she drawled before showing that the hem of the jacket went below the tips of her fingertips. But even the ancient, strict uniform rule placed upon girls was not enough to satisfy Preston.

Grabbing her purse from the couch, she offered a smile and a chaste goodbye.

"W-wait! W-where are you going dressed like that?" GOD DAMNIT ! Why am I stuttering like a shivering child?

Her expression changed, her eyes asking if he was being serious. "Are you seriously asking me that...where do you think?"

"But you usually invite them over."  He was still staring her up and down, not at all in favour of her risky outfit. His mind only compiled a list of all things that could go horribly wrong for her if she encountered the wrong person. Yet, she didn't seem a bit bothered about her attire or for that fact that she was about to step outside in that. Even his questions didn't make her hesitate in the slightest.

"7-10 movie night? Remember?" She glanced at her gold wristwatch. "And it's 6:45 right now. I wasn't planning on having a quickie."

She was abiding by his rules once again and the feeling of guilt crept upon him. When he said nothing, she tried to leave again.

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