Chapter 12 - Cat Fight

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February 7th, 5:00 PM - Campus Starbucks - Chicago, IL Preston's POV


The week had passed with minimal hitches. The house rules were being followed and Preston triple checked if the bathroom was occupied ever since then. He was at the usual table, earlier than the rest of his friends, leaving him to look over his project proposal for the very project that had won Azura's admiration.

Before long, his friends trickled one by one to the table, until all four seats were occupied. Talk about classes, brutal professors and upcoming events were shared but Preston only lent one ear to the conversation since most of his attention was devoted to the document on his screen.

It wasn't until Veronica's question did he give his friends his full attention.

"Did everything turn out okay with the rooming situation after we last spoke?"

Preston nodded, able to smile easier than last time. "Uh yeah, actually the next day we got to sit down and set some more ground rules so that living together would go smoother. And so far, it's been working."

Veronica wasn't convinced sporting the same frown from last week. "Are you sure? I really don't mind switching with you. You've already been through a lot with the fire and all."

To add to her worry, Naomi finally offered the research she had done on his roommate. "Yeah, Prez, if you are worried about the move, we can all help. It'd be super easy. Plus, after Jamal made such a fuss over your roommate, I asked around myself. Her reputation isn't a farce and I've heard some interesting things."

Preston's attention perked at this. "What do you mean?"

"Well for starters, she's known as a lot of things. Temptress, Mistress of sex...the Devil in bed. Apparently, she has quite the kill count, I'm surprised you're able to sleep."

He almost flinched at the last nickname; thinking back the episodes he heard.

If only they heard what I heard.


"Boy are you hiding the details from me!" Jamal hissed, though his words reached every ear at their table.

"What's it like? You probably don't even need to watch porn to jerk off! Wait, dude...don't tell me you already took your turn in bed with her!"

Before Preston could warn him for his unsolicited commentary, a loud thwack was heard. Naomi was gritting her teeth as she moved to drop the calculator back on the table.

"Woman what the fuck is wrong with you." Jamal grimaced in pain as he rubbed the spot on his head that received the blow.

"That was crude and gross."

"God damn violent bitch," he mumbled under his breath.

"Whatchu say?"

"Nothing, nothing!" Preston couldn't help but give his friend an amused smile, used to the odd bickering that occurred between the two.

These two will never learn, one's too stubborn and the other is too oblivious.

Chloe redirected the conversation back to the original topic. "Well, I mean, if Preston has to deal with that, won't Veronica have to deal with it too? Wouldn't it be worse for her since she'd just constantly have random guys over?"

That thought had crossed Preston's mind when he was initially considering Veronica's offer.

But to everyone's surprise, Veronica had already thought of that and had prepared another solution. "Actually, after I heard rumours about her, I asked around and one of my friends had an empty room off-campus. So, if Preston took my room, I was just going to head there. It's not far and I really like rooming with that friend."

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