Thank you 5000 :P

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Hello Readers, 

Unfortunately, this is not a chapter 😅 (sorry my guy - I swear I am diligently working away). 

BUT! before you leave! 

I wanted to say thank you! I really didn't start this book thinking it would get the reads it currently has, nor would I come this close to finishing it (yes the end is near folks). 

Motivation to write literally comes from you guys so remember that those comments and votes really do help. 

Now when I had hit 1K I had inserted a deleted scene which I thought was kinda funny. I don't have something like that for 5K (other than a scene where she, Noble and Amir learn about the confession. It's not very funny IMO - BUT if you would want to read it comment HERE >)

ANYWAY, I decided that hey, maybe my readers love the characters  (whoever it may be) so much that they want to see them in a certain scenario/situation. 

AND SO if you have a certain idea/scene that you would like written out (kinda like a one-shot, or if it was something that happened in the past chapters that you want to be elaborated on) with a certain character(s) comment your thoughts!

 IT can be something ridiculous like they are on a stranded island or something like Noble and Amir and Preston having a sleepover - I dunno I actually can't think of any so the ball is in your court folks! 

Also going to be dropping an Instagram page soon (not just for writing but other stuff as well) so if that's something you would like to connect on, then just stick around and I'll make an announcement on my page. 

Again this is just to say THANK YOU for helping me reach a milestone I always laughed about and brushed aside (and this 5K scenario idea is the only way I can think of repaying you guys) :P 

Alright, this is long and sappy enough (yikes). Have a good one guys, and I'll see ya on the flip side! 

- Johnny 

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