Chapter 8 - It's A Girl!

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Note: Jamal, a character who you shall soon me, reminds me of Kevin Hart. If you know him well, you may very well be able to hear his voice when you read his lines....or you may not lol. But! IF you do, or, if you hear someone else, comment below - he was a funny character to create:)


January 31st, 5:37 PM - Campus Starbucks - Chicago, IL Preston's POV


Having finally finished his last class of the day, he joined his friends in front of Starbucks at their usual table. 

His friend, Jamal, slapped him on the back as he pulled up a chair beside him. The three other girls at the table chorused their hellos whilst making space for him. 

"Prez, my man, I thought you left me with these guys for good!" Jamal's joke earned eye rolls which only made Preston chuckle quietly. His friend was the comedian of the group but also the one who received the most criticism from the girls for his comments. 

"Sorry man, you know last week was hectic with moving into the new dorm and all that." 

"That's right! You're no longer staying with Dilan right?" a voice quipped beside him. Chloe had met his previous roommate a few times last semester and Preston was safe to assume that she may have had a crush on him. 

"Yeah, Dilan is in another dorm room since there were only single vacancies." 

As he suspected the girl frowned lightly and Preston almost felt the need to tell her that Dilan was rooming with another girl, who he had gotten...close with. 

But before he could another excited voice interrupted. 

"Tell us the details, where'd they ship you and how's your new roommate!" 

"Yeah, did you check if he was a pyromaniac?" Jamal snickered before his face contorted from pain. Naomi, who had asked the previous question, had given him a smack on the head. 

"What?! Too soon? Too soon, my bad." 

Preston shook his head, not bothered by the joke in the slightest. "Not a pyromaniac, at least not to my knowledge. It's fine I guess, there was a small misunderstanding though." 

"Misunderstanding? What do you mean?" the new voice of concern came from the brunette in front of him. Veronica frowned, her face written with worry. 

"Uh there was... an um, small misunderstanding and um, he is actually a she."

No one responded, a silence falling over their table but only momentarily. Pencils, protractors, and other stationery were chucked at him as the girls all yelled at him. Jamal who was also in the line of attack tried to yell over them. "Wait a damn minute, where is this coming from!? HEY! Watch what you're throwing!" 

Preston was thoroughly confused with his friends' behaviour, "Wait! What did I say?" 

"Everyone here at this table is a queer supporter! You came with us to the parade. I cannot believe you have an issue with your roommate being transgender Preston. I am so disappointed." 

Naomi's thoughts were shared by the other two who nodded their heads vigorously in agreement. 

"Wait what? No! He is a she, meaning I'm rooming with a girl. Like a female, like one of you guys."

Again silence fell over the table and both Preston and Jamal held their hands up anxiously waiting for round two. 

"I see, well ladies, we owe him an apology. Sorry, Prez." The girls sheepishly replied as they helped clean up everything they threw. 

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