Chapter 29 - Husband vs. Ex-Lover

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March 18, 4:00 PM  - Moonshine Club, Chicago, IL Azura's POV


Tugging the beige cap further down to cover her eyes, she waited as the pair passed her, leaving their usual table. For the past week, her target couple met for a few hours at the same spot to discuss all things engineering related.

Their conversations were squeaky clean and informative which often lulled Azura into slumber.

Re-opening her own computer, she saved her work on the presentation she had created for Preston's fast approaching interview before closing it shut.

She hadn't expected him to call on her as a partner or the fact that he would end up choosing the amputee project for the proposal. To make peace with her conscience for lying to the boy she decided to continue playing her role as the dutiful daughter of a depressed one-handed pianist.

I have to actually do work now for this whilst also babysitting him and doing my own schoolwork. This has got to be the most work I've done for an undercover job.

Swinging her bag onto her shoulder, she exited the library keeping an eye on the red dot on her phone that slowly made its way back to the dorm.

"Michael, I need someone to babysit him for an hour, two max."

After a pause the deep voice spoke in her ear through the blue tooth device tucked inside her ear. "I can get that arranged. Are you headed out now?"

"Yup, my appointment is in 20. I'll be going offline but if there's an emergency make a direct call to my phone."

"Copy that." 

****15 minutes later****

It was still relatively early in the day, which was why the bar had yet to transform into its popular club venue. Dressed in business formal clothes, Azura made her way to towards the bar before perching herself on an empty stool. This was the first time Rosa had reached out to her on her own. Going through extensive precautions, she had asked Azura to come see her a week after her trip to Preston's hometown.

Her thick shades concealed a good portion of her face and she refused to remove them until her informant was in sight. Instead of Enzo manning the drinks, the familiar curly wisps of dyed hair shuffled around.

She patiently waited until she was seen. The momentary surprise on Rosa's face quickly dissolved as she hesitantly glanced around the rather empty room. Calling for another help, she handed over her responsibilities before nodding at Azura to follow her.

Without a word, she slipped of the stool and headed down the familiar hallway and into the dressing room.

"You're early."

"By 5 minutes."

They stared at each other, with Azura being the first to remind them of their ticking clock. "Should I remind you that you were the one to call me here. I don't think I need to remind you of the risk my visit poses to your safety. The faster you get on with it, the safer it'll be for the both of us."

The older woman was nervous, despite wearing her usual annoyed expression. She was picky at her long nails which were in need of a manicure. 

"I want to see my son."

Azura finally slipped off her shades as she gave the woman a confused look. "I'm sorry?"

"Just for 10 minutes. I don't even have to talk to him as his mother. I just want to...see him."

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