Chapter 20 - Red Wave

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March 2nd, 9:37 AM - Elgin Hall Residence - Chicago, IL Preston's POV


Labs for PHY2091 are cancelled today. Please refer to the online class forum for instructions to complete the online module. Have a great Wednesday!

Having only the lab on Wednesdays, Preston's entire day had become free. He grinned at the thought, thinking about all the things he could do on his unexpected day off.

Maybe I could get Azura to go get some ice-cream? I could use it as a substitute for her ridiculous lessons.

Grabbing his clothes, he took his sweet time in the bathroom and decided to make a proper lunch before heading out.

As he got the ingredients out for a stir fry, he glanced at his roommate's door which remained shut. Playing it safe, he decided to let her sleep in.

Quietly humming as he diced the vegetables, Azura's door flew open. The disheveled girl walked out and Preston could sense the animosity rolling off her in waves.

Not uttering a word, he continued his task, trying his best to not acknowledge her presence. This was a new mood for him, one he had yet to face. While he had no clue as to why she was acting in such a way, he also lacked the confidence to ask her.

Making her way into the kitchen, he watched from his peripheral vision as she headed straight to the cabinet with the first aid kit. He listened for the rummaging before she let out a string of curse words.

Deep breathes, Prez. Just turn around and start easy with a simple "Good morning". 

Mentally chanting to himself, he turned around, ready to try and engage with this version of Azura that seemed ready to chop his head off.

But his words stopped in his mouth as he saw her double over, clutching her stomach in pain.

The initial fear and nerves were gone, and he immediately went over to her, worried. "Azura, what's wrong?"

But as he touched her, she flinched and shot him a deathly glare. It froze him in his place. She quickly softened though and offered an apology through gritted teeth. "Sorry. It's the stupid fuckening."

As soon as the words left her mouth she winced and Preston was brought back to his senses. "The what?"

"Red wave..." was all she said as she tried to stand at her full height whilst taking a deep breathe. 

"You mean, your period."

"Yes, I mean my period! What else could the fuckening be!" she snapped, her eyes briefly a blaze with rage before she groaned in pain, again.

"Okay well, can I help you? Are you looking for something?" 

Dry pastas are in aisle 6. You are such an idiot Preston. He wanted to slap himself for sounding like a stupid employee at the grocery store.

"Tylenol, know where it is?"

"Yeah, one sec." He went back to the same cupboard she had checked moments ago, and found the bottle hidden at the very back. Silently handing it to her, he watched as she poured the pills into her hand. When he counted four, he yanked her hand before she could throw them into her mouth.

"What the fuck!"

But he merely took two of the pills and placed them back inside the bottle, making sure to take the bottle out of her reach. Filling a glass with warm water he handed it to her. She gave him the stank eye but swallowed the pills after washing it down with the water.

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