Chapter 19 - Ugly Scars

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February 25th, 9:54 PM - Gordon Square Basement - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


"I owe you both."

Noble simply rolled his eyes from the driver seat whilst Amir remained silent on the phone.

"Since he rescheduled his date, are you sure he won't leave the condo to do something else?"

It had been a week since Azura had to cut Preston's lesson short in order to meet his estranged mother. Either due to nerves or fatigue, she was thankful to find out Preston had moved his date with Veronica to after their reading week break, giving Azura plenty of time to get more information on her mission.

"Nope, today's his ritual movie night. He should give you little to no trouble, but worst case scenario just call me and I'll leave stat."

Amir merely grunted his affirmation before hanging up.

"You're putting in a lot of work here Azu. You sure this is just for the mission and not because you may like your target and find the need to help him?" Noble gave her a sly smirk, a signature expression when he believed he was onto something. 

"No, it's for the mission because I am a curious body who needs to know why an innocent college student is being sucked into this."

"But you already know why. It's because his mother  is the informant." Noble quizzed the stupid smile still on his face. He knew her answer wasn't bullet proof. 

Azura heaved a sigh, doing her best to remain calm. "Yeah well it's not enough. I need more on where his phobia stemmed and if there is any other detail that may shed light."  

Quickly switching subjects, she prompted again. "Are you sure this thing will jam any bug or audio device in a 10-meter radius?"  she asked, tucking the circular device into the pouch of her purse.

"Yes. Besides, if she called you here, she's gotta have some common sense to know the risks, right?"

Azura nodded as she stared out of their car that was a few blocks away from the club. It was a Friday night and the sun had just set. The semi-busy place would be bustling in an hour or so when various college students made there way to enjoy a night of dancing and drinks.

Checking all her weapons that were concealed on various accessories she wore, she reapplied her dark red lip stain, before smacking her lips together.

"Yes, you have pouty full lips like Angelina Jolie, we get it. If you are not going to kiss me, stop being a tease and leave."

It was her turn to roll her eyes before throwing Noble a wink. "See you in a bit."

Stepping out of the black Audi, she strutted to the front door which she had no trouble gaining entrance too.

Inside was loud and dimly lit, the perfect atmosphere for grinding bodies and drunk kisses. She maneuvered around the tables and individuals heading straight to the bar.

A handsome older man watched her as she approached the table. His rugged beard and steel gaze almost had her licking her lips. Now that is what I call a man.

"What can I do for you?" he asked her, his eyes lingering on the fair amount of cleavage her red, bodycon exposed.

"Hm, I have quite the list in mind. Maybe after I finish my business you could help me with that. Right now, I'm looking for Rosa."

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