Chapter 47 - Silent SOS

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April 5th, 5:07 AM - Unknown Location - Chicago, IL Azura's POV


"Come on," she muttered in frustration as she yanked her hand diagonally in another fluid motion. The trick to breaking free was all in direction.

After being knocked out for the majority of the night, Aura finally managed to regain some of her strength. Her body, while still severely bruised, was on an adrenaline rush as she fought to get out of her restraints.

Taking another breath she yanked her hand upwards and she felt the tape give a little. But it was all the encouragement she needed to continue to tug. Eventually, the tape tore leaving her to move her right hand freely. Using this to her advantage she quickly worked on the duct tape that secured her other limbs and within a few minutes, she was free.

Fresh blood seeped through her jeans from the gash on her thigh as she stood and she quickly worked to stop the flow with a pillowcase sheet.

Ignoring the pain that seared through her abdomen from the harsh hits she had received she ransacked the room for any makeshift weapons.

She had to give it to Dano, he was smart. Not only had he done a thorough check for weapons, but removed every single article of clothing or accessory that could act as a weapon.

Hell, he even removed my shoes. She thought as she flexed her stiff ankles.

Amidst her searching, her ears picked up on the soft padded footsteps near her door.

Immediately she moved next to the door, ready to intercept the person, but froze as the footsteps passed by.

She could only relax for a second.

Fuck. Do they not go to sleep? It's gotta be the crack of dawn right now.

Thankful for the carpeted floors that concealed her quick movements, she lifted the chair she had been bound to and moved it up against the door.

Using the oldest trick in the book, she titled the chair to fit snuggly underneath the silver door handle. With that as her only defence line from the men outside, her exit now was the window that thankfully wasn't barred shut. Prying the window open, she felt the cool morning breeze against her skin as she leaned out to get a better view of the ledge. That moment was but a second before she heard faint voices from somewhere below her.

Again, she threw herself back inside the room and lay low on the floor, anticipating the yells or sounds of alarm. But nothing happened.

Groaning, she went limp as she winced in pain from the quick movements she had demanded of her limbs.

Being a well-trained agent, she knew how bad her chances of escape wereShe was injured, she had no idea where Rosa was, the house was swarming with men who were most likely armed and she had no idea where she was. Escape was practically impossible. 

"I have no phone, no knife, nothing. Where the fuck is my luck?" she mumbled to herself as rolled over on the carpeted floor, staring at the white ceiling.

"Come on! Hurry up!"

It was faint, but Azura heard it and she quickly moved back up on her feet. Peering from over the window sill, she watched as a young boy laughed at someone out of her frame of view.

Waiting patiently, eventually, a young girl came into view doing a slow jog.

As the girl reached the boy, the dialogue exchanged between them was not heard by Azura, but as she stared at the youngsters, a plan popped into her mind.

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