Chapter 5 - Netflix and Chill

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January 25th, 10:04 AM- Unversity of Chicago - Chicago, IL Preston's POV


For the fourth time that morning, Preston grimaced in pain as he tried to self-kneed the tensed muscle in his shoulder. He had slept in an odd position again, and he wasn't sure if it was his bed to blame...or his roommate. 

After the initial encounter, Preston had somehow successfully managed to stay clear of Azura, in a physical sense. While he never saw her, he did manage to hear her. By being a light sleeper, he was easily woken every night to his roommate's, for a lack of a better word, activities. 

Funny enough, more than her, he happened to run into her daily night stands every morning. 

And thus far, he happened to meet a total of three different guys, excluding Jax, labelling each of them the day of the week. Jax was Monday. 

None of them stuck around for breakfast to Preston's relief. Only one of them had acknowledged him with a brief good morning, as he passed by him while he was eating his cereal. 

He never had the balls to confront her during the deed, nor in the morning when she was fast asleep. All he could do was purchase earplugs and pray that it would be enough. But after four days of searching and messaging various individuals, Preston was nowhere close to a solution. 

With no solution at hand, he dreaded the fact that it also meant that he would have to confront her eventually. If they were going to live together, some ground rules needed to be put in place. 

This thought occupied his mind for most of the day, only stressing him out more. As the late afternoon rolled around, he headed back to his room to try and enjoy a relaxing Friday evening with some Netflix. Given the pattern thus far, he knew he could enjoy his movie in peace and quiet before she got home.

Settling into the couch, with Chicago style popcorn in his lap, he sifted through the options. Landing on a comedy classic, he pressed play for Grown-Ups. 

It wasn't even halfway into the movie when the door to his apartment slammed open and a burst of sultry laughter came through. His skin prickled and he slowly dared himself to turn around and peek at the invaders. 

Much to his dismay, it was her and her boy toy. And that marks, number 5. 

She was laughing as she held onto her partner's arm while she removed her silhouettes. When she finally stood on her own two feet, Preston's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the obvious difference in height. He knew she was short but it always surprised him just how short she was given that amount of confidence she emitted. Had she not been standing beside the 6'1 man, Preston would have been fooled to believe she was the average height. 

His staring must have finally been noticed because she threw him a glance. "Oh, we have company." 

You mean, I, have unwanted company. 

The remark made Preston sit at attention, feeling as though he had just been called out for peeking. 

"Hi, sorry. I assumed you would be home later since it's a Friday night." 

She stared at him with a single perfectly shaped eyebrow raised. "I could say the same thing to you yet you're here by yourself watching," her gaze flickered to the screen before smirking. "Grown-ups is it?" 

He nodded. He finally stared at the tall boy who was watching him with a similar smirk, though his made him appear cocky and arrogant. He would definitely not be getting along with Friday. 

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