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January 17th, 12:47 AM - Friel Residence - Chicago, IL Agent 13's POV

Escaping from the loud living room, she made it to the balcony, home to the smokers. She tugged her hood lower and found a vacant spot to light her own roll. The lighter resisted at first, producing mere flickers. Her thumb flicked it harder, and finally, a small bright flame came to life.

Lighting it, she took a long puff before staring out at the rather empty roads. It was a school night after all, and all sane students would be in bed instead of partying. But of course, there were your odd few like the bunch that occupied this dorm room.

Inhaling the addicting drug one last time, she brought the cigarette low, concealing it from others. Turning around, she headed back in, cig still in hand. Taking one final sweep around the room, her hand let go, and the stick landed on the carpeted floor.

Moving a bit farther away, she waited before the burning embers started to grow, and a steady fire emerged thanks to the alcohol she had spilled in that exact spot. In a matter of minutes, one of the more sober individuals realized the odd element in the living room.

"Ah fuck, we got a fire." But no one paid attention to him.

Taking that as her cue, she maneuvered to the kitchen a few steps behind the boy. Grabbing the largest bottle of vodka, she thrusted the bottle into the boy's hand.

"Thanks." Before the boy could pour the highly flammable liquid, a hand reached out, stopping him and, in a sense saving him.

She frowned as she watched the intruder interfere.  With the few words exchanged, the boy's eyes widened in panic. "The fuck! Who gave me alcohol, are you trying to kill us?"

His loud accusation called for attention, and eventually, the intoxicated young adults became aware of the ever-growing flame. To her surprise, for a bunch of high and drunk students, they managed to scurry out of the room, with minimal commotion. She depended on them to stir the rest of the sleeping building before the fire alarm did.

The intruder who had ruined her attempt to expand the fire handed her the bottle with a frown.

"No casualties, remember?"

She pouted but nodded. Instead of following the scared group, the pair expertly maneuvered around the small living room, clearing each space to ensure that no stranglers were left behind. When they were the last ones, she grabbed the vodka dousing the balcony floor with it.

"Was that really necessary?" His tone told her he was unimpressed, but she only shrugged.

"They said to make a fire."

Pointing back to the fire that had grown, consuming everything in its wake, she looked back at him, "and that's what I did."

The blaring sound of the fire alarm chorused through the building, and just as they exited the burning room, they were met with a pack of confused students. Decked in an array of pyjamas, they scurried to the nearest stairs. Her partner left her, clearing each room on the floor, while she remained by the door. Her vision was focused on the door beside the one she had just come out of.

Unlike the rest of the students, the two that stumbled out of that room had slower reaction times. While one seemed alert and aware of what was happening, the second was continuously blinking his eyes, a weak attempt to get rid of the sleep in them. She continued to watch from her post as the alert boy dragged the other by the arm, towards the exit. Once they had disappeared through the door, she spoke, notifying the person on the other end of her earpiece.

"Target 109 is on the move. Phase 1 of mission complete. Initiate Phase 2."

Word count: 632

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