Chapter 17 - Fruits

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February 18th, 9:10 AM - Elgin Hall Residence - Chicago, IL Azura's POV 


"This is a papaya."

"Yes, I am aware of that. The question is why do you have a papaya?"

Preston was slumped in a chair at one end of the table, while Azura perched herself on a chair opposite to him. She had excused herself from her weekend training in the name of her mission. Despite it being a Saturday she was up at 6 AM drafting the lesson plan she had in mind for today. 

With a list of various topics she wanted to cover, she made a quick grocery run to grab a few supplies to act as her teaching aids. 

"The first lesson of today is on anatomy. And what better way to help you learn about it than to use visuals."

"But a papaya...?" Preston's eyes were still semi-closed as he tried to focus on what she was saying. Having given him until 9 AM to sleep in, she was prompt with waking him up to get him ready for her lesson. He had protested much of last night and even this morning, but surprisingly when Azura frowned her full lips forming a pout, it seemed to make him cave. 

"Allow me to explain. While a peach is used to describe a girl's ass, and a flower at times to describe a virgin, papaya can be used to describe a girl's lady parts. We give it special names, like coochie, vajayjay, even cave of wonders." 

The last name made Preston raise an eyebrow but Azura merely shrugged with a smile. With a wave of her hand, she moved on. "But we'll stick to the anatomical name which is, Preston?"

"A vagina."

Azura stared at him, surprised that he managed to cough up the term, but only huffed in annoyance when she saw him. Closed eyes, and drooping head, cradled in the palm of his hand, the boy was almost asleep. 

She slammed the table hard, making him jolt up in his spot. "I'm awake. I'm here." 

"Very good. Now we won't get into the key points of anatomy here. That's for your science class. I'll be focusing on how to use your hands to create pleasure."

"With a papaya?" he asked again, his face up close to the halved fruit, inspecting it. 

"God damn it yes with a papaya! How many more times are you going to ask? Would you like to try it on a real subject?" She asked, raising her hand to make a show of unbuttoning her shirt.

It really was like a magic spell because the sluggish nature switched into one of high alert. "N-no."

Smirking, she pretended to dust off a spec of debris on her shirt before turning her attention back to him. "Good. Now. The vagina," she announced as she held up her own half of the papaya, "is one of the most sensitive parts in the female body with 15,000 nerve endings. The first being the lips with over 1 million." 

He seemed rather impressed with the information being presented and Azura's pride bloomed. That's right, I can be smart too. 

"Today, you will learn about the come hither motion." She demonstrated with her pointer finger, nodding to him to follow her along. His face scrunched in forced concentration as he tried to copycat. 

Azura stopped him after a few robotic tries. "No. That's a pull the trigger on a gun motion. We aren't tryna hurt her, we are trying to please her. You know, an orgasm." 

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