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A/n pov:

It was Saturday morning, Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in his king-size bed, as it was Saturday he thought to sleep a little more. But his sleep was disturbed when his phone made the annoying notification sound, but he decided to ignore it. After an hour someone knocked on his room door, he groaned and got up slowly and opened the door. It was none other than his annoying friend yugyeom.

Jungkook's pov:

Jungkook: yugyeom what did I tell you. Why are you here this early?

I said in a sleepy tone.

Yugyeom: I already messaged you the reason I'm here. I need your sign to process this document. It was sudden, the shareholders need to meet you regarding the new jewellery section we are going to open. It's a very important meeting kook. You have to be there.

He said looking at me

Jungkook: you could have told Namjoon hyung or yoongi hyung. I promised hamzy to take her out today, she will be sad.

I said thinking about my adorable daughter.

Yugyeom: kook they too need to be there, I informed them both. Namjoon hyung said he will be on time, but yoongi hyung cursed me for waking him so early on Saturday, you know it made me sad.

He said with a fake pout, I wanted to laugh at him for getting cursed early morning, but I too was in the same situation. I was a little sad that I couldn't take hamzy out today. I think Yugyeom noticed that so he said.

Yugyeom: kook you can take her in the evening, it's just for few hours or so. And the meeting starts at 1 o'clock so take your time.

I nodded my head. I was kinda sad that I couldn't spend the day with my baby but, this meeting is very important so I need to go. I thought to check on her, so I did my usual routine and went to her room, but it was empty. So I thought to go down, when I went to the dining room I saw mom was trying to feed hamzy and she was not eating, it was always like this, hamzy is not eating properly nowadays it makes me very worried. I went near them and cleared my throat to get their attention, they both turned towards me, once hamzy saw me she ran toward me and hugged me.

Hamzy: dawddy, goo morning.

She said smiling brightly, I pecked her head and wished her back with a smile.
I picked her up.

Jungkook: baby why are you not eating. You want to be strong like dada right.

She nodded,

Jungkook: then you should eat well.

I said and she pouted.

Hamzy: but I don lwike dish food daddy.

She said still pouting, I looked at mom who was currently speaking to a maid. I thought to tell her that.

Jungkook: Mrs Jeon

A/n pov:

Jungkook called lily like usual. He doesn't hate her, he was just angry and more like sad. Three years back a random woman comes to Jeon's mansion saying that Jungkook made her pregnant. But Jungkook knew that it was not true. She just gave him a blow job when he was drunk and now she was claiming that he was the father of her baby. But he denied it, when she said she was going to abort the baby, lily refused to agree saying that it was Jungkook's responsibility to take care of that baby. Jungkook did not agree on that but lily never listened to him that time. After the delivery, the mother of the child just left the newborn and disappeared not wanting to take responsibility for the child. And about Jungkook he too didn't care about the baby. All these days lily took care of the baby. One day lily purposely left the sleeping baby in Jungkook's room, she wanted them to bond. When kook came inside he was shocked to see the beautiful baby girl sleeping Peacefully. His heart almost melted, but he thought that the baby will ruin his life and stepped back when he was about to leave the room for calling someone to take the baby. The baby woke up and started to cry. He panicked and went near the baby and started to shush her cries, but the baby cried more, it somewhat annoyed him, but deep down he was hurt to see the baby crying, so he sat on the bed and gently lifted the baby in his arms and placed her close to his heart and for his surprise the baby stopped crying and looked at him with big doe eyes. Something hit in him. He thought how cruel was he to ignore such an angel. He said sorry to the baby with a pout and you know what the baby did, she smiled at him, this made his heart skip a beat. Wow! he never thought that something might give him this much peace in his heart. He just loved that cute smile. This became an everyday thing. Whenever he comes back to his room the baby will be there and he would always play, talk, giggle and listen to her blabbing every day and to be honest he loved it. One year later the baby spoke her first word and the precious word was 'dada', he knew who would have thought the little baby to say the word, it was lily. This word the baby said made him cry his heart out. That one word made his heart beat fast. That day he decided that he will do anything for that little baby girl, and that's how he started changing himself for the little one. He took over his dad's company, he stopped fucking around and even stopped going to clubs. He became the man lily wanted him to be. This was the reason lily forced jungkook to take responsibility for the little one, she knew that the lil baby girl would change his life and she was not wrong too. But this also became the reason jungkook stopped talking to her. Jungkook thought that his mom will trust him and take his side but when she took the woman's side he was sad and angry, which made him show cold shoulder to his mom. That's the reason he calls her Mrs Jeon instead of calling her mom. Lily always tried to explain the reason behind her action but he never once listened to her. He thought that she broke his trust. But in reality, she was the one who saved him from the world bitches. I hope he will understand her someday and talk to her.

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