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After jungkook left with a sleeping tae, jimin turned towards hobi and suga.

Jimin: so, you are the doctor who Jin hyung mentioned.

He asked hobi.

Hobi: yes, I am Dr. Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you.

He extended his hands towards jimin who took it and shook saying.

Jimin: I am jimin park. And Nice to meet you too.

Hobi: btw, how do you know tae. Like you were so good at calming him down.

Jimin looked at hobi in disbelief.

Jimin: excuse me. I am his one and only classmate,benchmate,school mate and above all his soul mate.

He said in a very offended tone.

Suga: what is a school boy doing here. Don't you have homework to do.

Suga asked kinda teasing. He thought it would be fun teasing his hot business partner.

Jimin: oh I meant college mate. Ignore typos.

He said with a smile. Which melted both the males heart. Hobi and yoongi shared a look and decided to ask.

Hobi&yoongi: Are you single?

Jimin: yes?

Suga: would you like to be our bottom?

Jimin: huh?

As he asked this question he got a hit from his boyfriend.

Hobi: he is asking whether you like to date us both.

Jimin: yes

He said smiling. Who wouldn't accept the offer.

Suga: you accepted? Just like that.

He asked with wide eyes.

Jimin: oh come on papi you'll are really hot. And its 21st century.

He said smiling.

Suga: papi? Its sounds good from you.

He said showing his gummy smile while hobi just smiled with them.

Jimin: ofcource it does.

He said smiling.

Suga: we planned for a date. So today?

Jimin: no,no no papi. I still have an unfinished job.

Yoongi: job?

Jimin: yes papi. Now take me to that bastard that touched my baby.

Suga: why? Hobi already gave him enough.

Jimin: oh it's just to talk. You know to ask him why he did that to tae.

He said with a smirk that went unnoticed.

Hobi: yes yoongi he has the right to ask questions. I too wanted to see that bastard. Where did you take him.

Suga: office basement. Ok fine let's go.

Yoongi said with a sigh. When they all turned to leave the room they saw Namjoon in deep thoughts.

Hobi: joon... Namjoon....

No response

Suga: yah!!!! KIM NAMJOON snap out from dreamland.

Namjoon: huh? Where is tae and jungkook.

He asked looking around.

Suga: They just now got married and went to honeymoon.

He said and got a smack from jimin.

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