💜 Tiny angel

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A/n pov:

Hobi felt pale and concerned, not for Tae but himself. He was shocked to see this phenomenon happen in his existence as a doctor, in front of him. He looked sceptical as he announced the news and placed Tae's blood report on top of the table. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh loudly. Has a few tears sprung from his eyes. 

Jungkook: H-hyung, p-please I'll use protection next time, but don't make these types of jokes. 

Jungkook said in between his laughter has he hit the table repeatedly trying to process the ‘joke’. But Hobi gave a blank expression not able to laugh as he wasn't joking around. Tae is pregnant. Jungkook stopped laughing as he noticed Hobi’s expression.  

Hobi: Jungkook for god's sake I'm a doctor and I don't play around with things like this. Believe it or not, tae is carrying a baby. I don't want to get him an ultrasound until the 6th week. Here is his blood report. If you want to check this report with another doctor. Then you can.

Hobi spoke pushing tae's report to Jungkook who just stared at him with wide eyes not able to process the information, his heart started thumping loudly against his chest. What on earth is happening!? He slouched over the table a little as a wave of pain shot through his head. He felt dizzy. He was so alarmed that he wanted to faint. 

Hobi: I wonder how you didn't notice his changes? Even Chim complained to me that Tae's eating habits have changed vastly. Poor baby, he must have gone through so many changes in a short period of time. Which could have confused him a lot and he also would have felt tired and dizzy. Just imagine being in his place you wouldn't laugh as you did before. Stop being so ignorant jungkook, you had so much time to have sex but you didn't have time to notice the changes in him!! You should have been the first one to notice it, Kook.

Hobi scolded looking disappointed, he hoped he could put some senses in that coconut brain of his. Jungkook cursed himself for not giving his angel much attention, his hyung is right he should have been the first one to notice. Though he noticed it, he decided to neglect it, thinking Tae just had a bad day. But he was wrong. He felt ashamed for not taking care of Tae and being invested in other work. What was the point of earning for his family if he doesn't have one?

Hobi: And don't forget he's a little and, you are his caregiver kook. And now he needs more of your love and warmth than any normal human.  You should know if your little one is sick or needs something Kook.

Jungkook: But hyung he never lets me know anything about him.

Jungkook mumbled lowering his head down. Even if jungkook tries everything, Tae isn't giving in and opening up to him. 

Hobi: He has a lot of trust issues kook, I believe you are aware of it, it doesn't hurt to try harder for your love, now is it?. You have to gain his trust first. Have you ever tried to know what happened after you left him? Do you know why he first slipped into headspace?

Hobi questioned and jungkook can only lower his head more. All Hobi’s words hit like bullets in his heart, cliché but he really felt that. He didn't know anything about that. Hobi sighed when jungkook had nothing to say.

Hobi: A relationship can't Just work like this kook. You should work on earning his trust. It requires determination, passion, true love and devotion if it has to sustain for a long time. He should trust you enough to tell you all his problems. Try to spend more time with him as he wishes. And as I said before you should be very careful now. Just don't forget kook there's another tiny human growing in him. Your baby.

Hobi said and, the last words made his heart swell with happiness. Really? Is it some kind of tricky dream? There's a baby in his baby's tummy? And that's because of those beautiful memories they shared? He felt delighted and gleeful. 

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