💜 cuddles

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A/n pov:

After dinner, everyone came back to the living room. After the couple announced that they are together, the jeon couple began to ask how they met and how they got together. Everyone was listening to jin saying his legendary love story. On the other hand, hamzy and tae were playing with their new plushies. Jungkook was from time to time looking at tae and hamzy and smiled to himself he enjoyed the cute sight very much. After their love story, the topic moved on to Jimin and tae, jungkook who was looking at tae now turned his attention to the conversation that was going on, he wanted to know more about the cute guy.

Lily: How is tae at university

She asked curiously. Jimin smiled and spoke

Jimin: Tae is one of the toppers of the University. He is very intelligent. But because of him I always end up with detention.

He said pouting

Yoongi: how?

He asked smiling at his pouting face

Jimin: He always makes me sit in the first row, the class will be very quiet so I fall asleep every time and end up with detention. He never even bother to wake me up when the professor calls my name.

He said pouting even more. This made everyone laugh.

Lily: My poor baby.

She said in-between her laughter,

Jimin: Mom don't laugh that's not funny

He said. And suddenly Ji-hoon interrupted.

Ji-hoon: even when he was a small baby he was very smart.

He said smiling gaining everyone's attention.

Jimin: how do you know that.

Jimin asked even jungkook was surprised to know that his brother knew Tae before.

Ji-hoon: I am his first friend after jin Hyung. I know tae from the day he was born.

He said grinning. Hearing that two people got jealous. One was Jungkook and the other was Jimin. Jimin thought that he was Tae's first friend but knowing he was not made him a little jealous.

Jimin: don't lie Ji-hoon I know tae from 6th-grade since then, till now I am with him, but he never once mentioned you.

He said pouting. Jealousy was evident in his tone.

Ji-hoon: ohhh I guess someone is just jelly here.

He said with a teasing smile.

Ji-hoon: but even when you are jealous I am not lying. I indeed am tae's first friend. You can even ask jin hyung.

Jimin looked at jin. Jin was trying hard not to laugh at Jimin's pouting face.

Jin: yes chim. Ji-hoon knows tae from birth. We two took care of tae back then. Tae was very small so he may not remember Ji-hoon so That's why tae wouldn't have spoken about ji-hoon to you.

Jin explained. Jimin nodded with a pout making ji-hoon laugh at his defeated face.

Ji-hoon: see I told you I was not lying. You know how tae looked like. He was the cutest baby you will ever see. Mom has his pictures.

Ji-hoon said looking at Lily.

Lily: yeah I have his childhood pictures do you want to see them?

She asked making Jimin nod. Lily took her phone and opened the gallery and showed it to Jimin.

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