💜 Jungkookie hyung

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A/n pov:

Jungkook was having the best time of his life. They were eating lunch at a fancy restaurant. Jungkook ordered whatever they asked for. They saw a picture menu for ordering, Hamzy and Tae's eating habits, were similar which amused jungkook. As their orders came they started to eat. Tae took a tissue and wiped hamzy's lips as she was eating messily. But the funniest part was he too was eating the same way. This made Jungkook chuckle lightly. He took a tissue and wiped Tae's lips which made tae giggle but the next thing tae did was totally surprising and unexpected. He pecked the corner of kook's lips casually and went back to eating. It was a soft feathery touch at the corner of his lips, this made Jungkook want to taste those lips fully.

Jungkook's pov:

Oh, my fucking godnsvshsbdbdbd did he just peck my lips. Did he- does this mean I can kiss him whenever I want to? Then I will kiss him until his lips are swolle- Jeon fucking jungkook stop right there. It was just an innocent peck you perv. He probably didn't even realise what he did.

Jungkook thought and looked up at tae who was stuffing food in his mouth and chewing it while pouting. He turned to hamzy who was trying to pick a small meatball too concentrated not to drop the meatball. He turned his attention back to tae and once again looked at his pulp full lips which were pouting. He had the strong urge to kiss the hell out of that pouty lips. But held it. Jungkook licked his lower lips and kept staring at Tae's lips having a world war in his mind if he should kiss tae are not. But then he told himself that it was not right. It's like taking advantage of tae and he will never do that. But tae calls him Daddy. So he is tae's, caregiver. Caregivers are supposed to shower their littles with lots of love, hugs and kisses right? Yes. So it means he can kiss tae whenever he wants. Jungkook concluded with his mind debate with a perfect solution. What can you expect from the great young ceo? He is smart and he knows that.

Half an hour later they all finished their food and now eating ice cream.
Hamzy and tae were eating chocolate ice cream and Jungkook was eating mint chocolate. Tae fed hamzy a spoon of his ice cream and hamzy did the same. Then tae turned his attention to kook.

Tae: d-dwaddy

Tae called softly. Jungkook looked at tae with a wide smile on his face.

Jungkook: yes angel.

Tae took a spoon full of ice cream and brought it near Jungkook's mouth.

Tae: sawy hawwww.

And Jungkook opened his mouth. Tae fed kook messily but kook didn't mind it even a bit. When kook dramatically told how good was the ice cream tae giggled cutely. Hamzy didn't share her ice cream with kook as she told him that he may catch a cold if he eats too much ice cream but she shared her ice cream with tae. And the reason she gave was so cute! She said "dada taetae an me aww swtong sho we cwn eawt ishe cwream" Making tae nod his head in approval.
After finishing the ice cream they demanded one more scoop but kook said no so now they were pouting cutely.

Jungkook: you both don't give me that face now. No means no.

Jungkook said sternly. Which made them pout even more. But they nodded their head not wanting to make Jungkook angry.

Jungkook: That's good now shall we go to a movie?

He suggested which they both agreed happily forgetting about the ice cream.

A/n pov:

Jin was driving to the airport with lots of thoughts running in his mind. How is he going to explain that he knew where was Ara from the beginning and he knew that Ara was completely fine that day when they announced her death. But Jin kept it a secret as he was told to. But now he is scared to face the reality. How is he going to face everybody? What will be their reaction? He is doomed. He reached the airport and parked his car and got off. He called and asked where they were exactly.

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