💜 Fanboys

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A/n pov:

Jimin was now driving tae back to the mansion very carefully and slowly.
Like really slowly. He has never driven his car so slowly in his entire life. His son always goes at the maximum speed and reaches the place within a blink. But now he needs to be very careful.
And tae? He was eating the food jimin brought him. He was hungry so chim gave tae to eat the food after making sure the food he bought was safe for tae and the baby.

Tae: hyungie~ why didn't you get me mint choco ice cream? Hyung can you buy me, please?

Tae asked pouting after finishing his food. And now jimin knows why tae is so fond of mint chocolate. It's not him who asks for it. It's the baby inside tae's tummy making him crave weird stuff.

oh, my little champ is asking for mint chocolate!!

Jimin thought and smiled

Jimin: I'll buy you, but not more than a small cup. If it's okay then say yes.

Jimin said eyeing tae from the car mirror. Tae cutely fiddled with his fingers and gave a small nod.

Tae: okie hyungie

He said and pouted as jimin agreed to only a small cup. But it's still okay as long as he gets to eat mint choco.

Jimin: Ohh come on tae!! You already had 2 big cups of ice cream before even having your lunch. I bet there was nothing else in that tummy of yours than loads and loads of ice creams.

Yeah, nothing else to feed my little champ in there. Little champ don't worry, chim will make sure your mama eats well and doesn't starve himself anymore.

Jimin thought as he stopped the car at the side of the road after spotting a cosy ice cream parlour. He got down from his seat and went to tae's side and opened the door for him and helped him to get out of the car even if that was not really needed.

They got inside and got to the corner table.

Tae: It would be more fun if yuta hyung was here.

Tae said pouting. They always hang out together so it was weird without yuta there.

Jimin: wait lemme call him and check if he's free.

Jimin said and called yuta. As jimin was on the phone tae was looking around with a smile loving the place. Then his attention went to the freezer where there were so many different frozen desserts. He drooled when his eyes landed on that particular flavour.

Yum yum~ Mint choco why are you so attractive like my jungkookie hyung~?

Tae thought licking his lips. He wants to devour the ice cream like his hyung devours him every time. His mind started flashing hot pictures of his bunny hyung's sharp face. Ohh~ his drool-worthy muscles and his stone-hard abs which he wants to lick and suc- what the freakkk!!?. As his thoughts got wild His cheeks flushed. Aish what is he thinking!!! His hyung has corrupted his mind so much. But how can he not have unholy thoughts if his hyung is so fine-looking?

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