Chapter 2

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Not long after Emily I fell asleep, my phone started to go off, I didn't plug it in the night before due to us not needing to be up the next morning and I was just too tired so I left it in the bathroom, I looked over at the clock and it read 5:34 am, Emily started to wake up and cover her head with the pillow

"If we ignore it, it will stop" I yawn, and the phone stops going off so I cuddle back into Emily.

A few moments later the phone went off again

"Just answer the damn thing" Emily says and I groan, getting out of my nice, warm and comfy bed to go answer my cellphone before 6 am

"Hello?" I say In to the phone without even looking at the caller ID

"I'm sorry to wake you sugar" I hear Garcia's voice through the phone, which could only mean one thing. We have a case

"Can't someone else take this one? We just got back" I sigh into the phone

"Afraid not, the other teams are on cases now, I need you to come in and look over the case. Im sorry jayje" she says

"I'll be in soon" I say and hand up the phone

I walked back over to the bed in a mood. I by no means Am a morning person and everyone knows this, especially being woke up for work... on my day off!

"What's going on?" Emily ask as she sees me getting ready

"We have a case" I say, just wanting to crawl back into bed with my wife

"Already? We just got home" she says and goes to get out of bed

"You don't have to come in yet, just me" I say and she looks at me confused

"Go back to bed, I'll see you later" I say and button my jeans, throwing my hair into a low ponytail and leaning over Emily to give her a kiss

"I can come now" Emily says and I shake my head

"It's no use for you to come too, I'll see you later" I say and she nods, finally agreeing with me

"I love you" I call out grabbing my shoes that I left in the bedroom the night before

"I love you too, call me when you know something" Emily tells me and I nod, cutting the light back off and walking out of the apartment.

I got to the office 7 minutes later and walked into Penelopes "Lair"

"You look exhausted" she says and I just send her a look

"I don't know how you're not, you went out last night and I just went to bed" I say and sit on her couch

"Oh I haven't been to bed" she says and I shake  my head

"So where is this case at?" I ask and she looks around her desk and hands me a file

"Seattle Washington" she says and I read over everything

Of course it's a case involving young kids, I never had the best experience with these. Especially not after what happened to my sister,

2 kids, both 4 years old, one boy and one girl. Both from different family's, they lived in different parts of Seattle so no over lapping there. Both deceased. And both showed signs of physical abuse but negative for sexual abuse. Thank god.

The girl. Juliette . Was taken 6 days before the Boy, Ryder .

Juliette was taken from her home on a Sunday, and they found her body in a near by alley a week later, while Ryder  was taken on the Saturday before they found Juliettes  body and she was found, exactly a week later,

M. E reports show that they were dead less than 24 hours before being found meaning these children had to spend a week with their abuser. If the unsub followed the timeline, another child should have been taken the Friday before Ryders body was found and discovered a week later but there was no reports of that.

Instead a report came in about another boy Leo, he was taken Thursday, the night before another body should have been  found. Does this mean there is a body the police couldn't find or did the unsub take a break. With today being early Friday morning, we have a good chance on catching this guy and giving Lea back to his parents

Leo's father in a detective in the Seattle police department. Explains the urgency,

"So what do you think?" Penelope ask me

"Call them in" I say and she nods, I walked out of her office to call Emily, when I left this morning I had plugged her phone up since like me the night before, neglected to charge it.

Emily was the first one to show, Guaranteed we live closer than the others,

Next was Spencer, then Rossi, then followed by Derek and lastly Hotch, he had to get childcare for Jack, so he gets a pass.

Jack is now 5 and Haley died when he was 3, Haley's sister is the one who usually watched Jack when we go on cases but it is the middle of the night, with no notice.

"Sorry I'm late" Hotch says and we all follow him into the conference room where we present our cases

I presented everything I had read and explained everything and I could see Emily eyeing me the entire time, she is the only one who knows about my past and why these cases are so difficult for me

"So are we thinking he took a break or there is a body we havnt found" Derek ask

"If it's a pattern here there is a little girls body out there somewhere, doesn't make sense for him to break, but Garcia, look into events in the area that happened that week, if our unsub decided to take a break I'm sure it was wide known" Hotch says and we agree

"Alright let's head to Seattle, wheels up in 30". Hotch says and Emily and I walk to my office, we keep our go bags in there

"Hey, look at me" Emily says when she closes the door to my office

"You okay?" She ask and I nod

"Emily I'm fine" I assure her and put our bags on my desk

"It's okay not to be, what is being done to these kids is horrible," she explains and I nod

"I know, and just like any person, sometimes it gets to me. Sometimes it's memories of Maya others it's just the nature of the crime, but I promise right now I am fine," I say and she pulls me into her, I like to think it's not all because of Maya,

"I love you, you know? And I'll be there wherever it gets tough" Emily smiles

"How did I get so lucky with you?" I say pulling away from her,

"You must have rigged the game" she says and I laugh

"You Emily Prentiss are something else" I say and we both grab our bags and head to the Jet,

"About time you get here, a quickie in the office?" Derek smirks and Emily hits him up side the head

Till next time ❤️

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