Chapter 57

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It's Wednesday, the team are very close to finishing the case. Mara has also been doing exceptionally well this week with staying with Penelope

She didn't sleep well last night though, she ended up having a nightmare around 3 which kept us up for around half an hour

She has been doing better, this is her first nightmare in over a week, the last one she had was when she came back from Amy's from her weekend visit

It's now 7 am, I have been up getting ready for work and I got Mara everything she would need, including just some fruit already out,

"Momma?" Mara mumbles coming into the kitchen

"I'm right here ladybug" I tell her and she walks over to me with her arms up and I quickly pick her up and rest her on my hip

"You want some fruit now or after we get dressed?" I ask her

"After" she tells me and I nod and take her to her room

"What will it be today?" I ask

"I can wear this?" She ask, motioning towards the pajamas she was already wearing

"Why don't we pick something else out?" I ask and she shakes her head as tears fill her eyes

"Okay... okay no tears. You can wear that but just for today" I say and she nods as we leave her room

Her bag has an extra pair of clothes if she wants to change later anyway

I sat her down on my lap and placed a bowel of fruit in front of her and she only ate a few pieces

"Mara, momma didn't give you much to begin with, I need you to finish eating" I say and she shakes her head and turns around so she was facing me and she laid her head on my chest

This is going be a very long day

Mara and I got to the office a little before 8 and went straight to Penelope

"Good morning sugarplum!" Penelope says excitedly and Mara shakes her head against me

"What's wrong?" Penelope ask

"Bad night bad morning" I say and she frowns

We spent the next 15 minutes talking until Hotch called and she began to search some things and my phone went off a few minutes later

"Alright you stay with Penny and I will be right back" i tell Mara and she holds onto me tighter

"No, please no" she cries and I sigh and pick her up , walking out of Penelopes office

"Jennifer Jareau"

"Hi, Jennifer, this is Dr.Wyatt. I was wondering if you had time to talk?"

"Yea... of course is everything okay?"

"Yes everything is great. I just received a call and I know you guys are on a waiting list for a therapist for Mara and the office just got an opening next Friday so I figured I would call and let you know"

"Yea... that's great thank you"

"Anytime, I'll email you the confirmation. Have a great day"

I got off the phone with the doctor and Mara was still clung to me

Once we got into my office I sat down with her in my lap, her head still against my chest

"What is going on this morning?" I ask her and got no response

"Are you sleepy?" I ask and she shakes her head, I knew that's a lie

"Do you feel sick?" I ask and again she shakes her head and I sigh

"Mara, momma can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong" I say and she starts crying and I just rock her side to side,

"Want mommy" she says and I nod

"I know you do baby but mommy's working. She will be home soon. And we just talked to her before bed" I say and she continues to cry

"Why don't we go see if she is not too busy quick" I suggest and she nods so I walk us down to Penelopes office

"Do you know if Emily is super busy?" I ask

"They are reading over some information" she tells me and I nod and quickly FaceTime Emily and walk back down to my office

"Jayje? Is everything okay?" She ask

"Your daughter is not having a good morning" I say and Mara holds the phone

"Mommy come back" she cries

"Mara. Mommy should be home by the time you wake up in the morning" Emily says and Mara just continues to cry harder

"I don't know what to do" I admit and she sighs

"Has she been like that all morning?" She ask and I nod

"Maybe the park? I am really sorry Jayje but" she began and I sigh

"I know, I love you and I'll talk to you later" I tell her

"I love you too" she says and hangs up the phone

I sat my phone down and positioned Mara so that she was sitting sideways in my lay with her head against my chest and I slowly began to hum a song while gently rocking us

I really don't know what to do or what the problem is. Yea she has gotten upset about Emily leaving before but nothing like this,

Luckily for me, she passed out 10 minutes later, I didn't want to risk waking her by moving her so I FaceTimed Penelope so we could still work

Mara woke up an hour later, in a little bit of a better mood, Penelope and I were done for now since the team was out patrolling and waiting for the unsub

With Mara still in my lap I grabbed some goldfish out of my bag

"Momma no" she fights and tries to turn around again

"Yes. You didn't eat much this morning so you will be eating these" I say and hand her the bowel and she throws it

"Mara" I scold and move her off my lap, the bowel I had put them in was a non-spill one so only one goldfish actually fell out

"Mara I get you are upset but this is not okay. You can not just throw things" I say

"I don't want it" she says

"And I understand you didn't but you need to eat. And throwing things will not get you what you want it will only get you in trouble" I say sternly and she frowns and glares at me

"Are you going to eat them?" I ask calmly and she sighs and moves into my lap

Mara has never actually gotten in trouble with us. We may have gotten stern with her but that's it. And I was not actually about to punish her today when I know she isn't herself, that wouldn't do anybody any good

"I'm sorry momma, I no want to be bad" she says and I sigh

"I know sweet girl, and you are not bad. Not in the slightest" I say and she cuddles up closer to me and continues to eat the goldfish

"Done" she says and hands me an empty bowel

"Thank you" I smile and kiss her head and notice that she was a little warm

I looked down and realized Mara has her eyes closed once again and I sigh

She really must not be feeling too well to be sleeping again,

I checked on Penelope and I decided ok taking Mara home that way I could check her temperature and get some medicine into her

Till next time❤️

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