Chapter 40

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Well, it's currently 3 am, I had just gotten Mara settled back down after waking up from yet another nightmare and she still refuses to talk about them. I know Dr. Wyatt said not to push her but if I don't I don't know how I am ever going to help,

Just as I laid down my phone and off with a message from Emily

Emily: We're heading home in the morning, I should be there by lunch. I love you

I smiled seeing her text and quickly responded before shutting the lights off again before having to get up with Mara in the morning

As predicted Mara came walking into my room a little after 7. When she first came to live with us she wouldn't leave her room in the morning until I went and got her. Seeing as she was still a little hesitant around Emily but I am glad to say that the majority of that has subsided.

Bringing her home after meeting her in Seattle I would have never thought this is who she would be. The scared little girl in the hospital is now full of life and smiley and happy. And I couldn't be more thankful. She full filled a part of me I didn't know I needed filled.

"JJ. You wake?" She whispers and I can't help but smile

"I'm awake. Come up here and cuddle with me" I say and she grabs the blanket so she could climb into the bed with me

"Emmy come home?" She ask just like she had the past few days

"Yea, Emmy should be home before we take a nap" I tell her and she smiles

"Guess who else is coming?" I ask and she looks at me expectantly

"Penny?" She says and I nod causing her to smile once again

"Yep; and some other people Emmy and I want you to meet" I say And she nods against my chest, she was laying on me and her hand was playing with the top of my shirt

"Nice?" She questions and I nod

"They are baby, they are very nice" I say and she nods

"You want to lay here a little before we go and make breakfast or make breakfast now?" I ask

"Stay with you" she says and I smile and move her hair out of her face

Mara and I just ate lunch and we're patiently waiting for Emily to come, she texted me 25 minutes ago and said she was at the office

Mara was getting tired but insisted on waiting for Emily to come home,

"JJ" she whines and walks over to me, she was on the floor with some toys while I caught up on some reading

"Come here sweet girl" I say and put my book down while opening my arms for her to climb into them and she laid back against me and I wrapped my arms around her

"Why don't we go lay down hm?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Wait for Emmy" she tells me while rubbing her eyes and I nod and take out my phone to see how much longer Emily would be but as soon as I hit send she walked through to door

"Emmy?" Mara asked and turned around in my lap

"Well hello, do I get a hug?" Emily smiles and Mara allows her to pick her up out of my lap

"Did you have fun with JJ while I was gone?" Emily asked her and I stood up to stand next to them and Mara nodded and yawned and reached back for me and she laid her head against my shoulder

"Want to nap with us?" I chuckle and Emily smiles and kisses me

"Yes. I am so tired. We had gotten barely any sleep since we had to fly out early and didn't even get back to the hotel until late" she tells me

"Well then, I say we all get a little nap in before we have everyone over later" I say and she nods,

I carried Mara back to our room and let her use the bathroom before she got under the covers in the middle of the bed, I kissed Emily once more and the both of us got in bed on either said of her after Emily changed out of her work clothes

Mara and I woke up a little before emily did so decided to let her sleep longer and we went to play in her room for a while

Emily had made dinner for us and just like the previous nights she took 4 bites on her own but refused to any further. Her hesitation with food still confuses me seeing as I'm not sure why it's there

"I'm going to try to give her a bath to see how it goes before everyone gets here" I tell Emily while Mara was distracted

"Okay, you do that and I'm going to clean up from dinner" she says and gives me a kiss and I walk out to Mara and she took my hand as I lead her to her bedroom

"Okay pick out what Jammies you want" I say and she picks out her outfit

The top was striped with red and white and had a big lady bug in the middle while the pants were light pink and had tiny lady bugs all over

"I like these" she smiles and hands them to me

"Good choice, now why don't you pick out some toys?" I ask and she looks at me confused but gets 3 barbies, and I nod and lead her into emily and I's

"No bath" she says, stopping at the door

"Come here ladybug" I smile and a small smile forms on her face even if she is scared

She walked over to me and climbed into my lap

"It's going to be okay, we are going to add bubbles! And your toys and I even got you some markers so you can draw pretty pictures on the bathtub" I say

"You too?" She asked, holding onto my shirt

"I will sit right next to you the whole time" I assure her

"You can hold me?" She ask

"I will hold your hand and I will hold you when you get out" I say and she looks at me hesitantly but I stand up and cut the water on, making sure the temperature was okay and let it fill up a little before adding some strawberry bubble bath

"Ready to get in? Why don't you draw a pretty picture for me and Emmy?" I ask her and she nods

I helped her into the tub and she tensed up, tightening the grip on my hand for a few minutes

"It's okay, no once is going to hurt you." I say, knowing it's why she was scared and she nods

I gave her the bath markers and she began to draw, I let her do that for a few minutes before beginning to wash her hair out and the rest of her body,

"Alright my little lady bug, you want to play for a few more minutes or are you ready to get out?" I ask and she stands up

"I'm ready" she says and I nod, pulling the drain and lifting her out of the tub and into a towel

By the time she was dressed Penelope, Spencer and Derek have arrived

Till next time ❤️

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