Chapter 16

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Mara woke up so many times last night in a cold sweat. She wakes up with tears in her eyes and looks around, each time I hold her close to me and she falls back asleep after a while. I wish I could just take all of her pain away from her. No child should have to go through any of this

We woke up around 9 and I took her to the kitchen to start on breakfast while Emily slept a little more

"Mara what do you want for breakfast," I ask

"Not hungry" she says

"No no, we have to try to eat okay?" I say

"Not hungry" she mumbles and looks down at her hands

"How about we go watch some tv then make breakfast?" I ask and she shrugs

I made her a cup of chocolate milk, what kid doesn't like chocolate milk?

I grabbed her cup and we walked out to the living room and she was looking around for something

"What's wrong?" I ask And she points back the hallway

"Poppy" she says and I look at her confused

"Whose poppy?" I ask and she frowns

"Poppy!" She exclaims

"Mara come here" I say and she walks over to me and lets me pick her up and the both of us walk back to the bed room and she points to the blue and purple sloth on the bed

"Here" I say giving it to her and she holds it close to her

"Thank you" she whispers and I smile, and kiss her forehead

After she had her "poppy" I took her back to the living room and sat on the couch with with her and cut on Paw Patrol

She took a drink of the milk and I put it back on the coffee table

We watched an episode of that and I told her I was going to make breakfast, she tries to protest about not being hungry.

I let her stay and watch the television and I went to the kitchen we had some eggo pancakes in the freezer that I took out and made

I also got some blue berries from the fridge

Emily also came out from the bedroom in just a sports bra and a pair of sweats and came up behind me

"God I love you" I say turning around into her

"I love you" she says and kisses the skin under my ear

"3 days ago I would be able to fuck you on the kitchen table" she whispers and I shut my eyes and she presses small kisses on my lips

"You can't say things like that!" I get on her

"What why?" She smirks and I roll my eyes

"Sit down" I tell her and she smiles and gets herself some coffee and sits

"Mara can you come out here?" I call and Mara walks into the kitchen with poppy in her arms,

I pulled out a chair for her to sit in and helped her climb into it and put a small plate of food in front of her, and gave Emily her drink she usually drinks in the morning with her coffee

"No hungry" Mara says

"You need to try to eat" I tell her and she just looks away from me

"Take 2 bites and drink a shake" I tell her and she doesn't move

"Come here" I say softly and and she gets out of her chair and comes over to me and Emily gives a sad smile

I pullled her plate over to me and used my fork to pick up a piece of it and brought it to her mouth

"JJ" she whines and hides into my chest

"Mara" I say softly and she opens her mouth and takes the pancake off the fork

"Done" Mara cries with tears falling off her face

"Okay, okay we're done" I say and turn her around so that she was facing me and I wrap my arms around her back while she cried

I don't know what to do. I don't want her to cry every meal time but I know she is going to be sick if she doesn't eat. I'm at a lost here

"Shh shh you're okay" I soothe and bounce my knee slightly and she stops sobbing

Emily got up and handed me the sloth that she has been carrying around and I gave it to Mara and she held it close to her

After I gave Mara the sloth Emily used the pad of her thumb to wipe under my eye and frowns, I didn't even know that I had been crying

Mara stopped crying and I took her to her room and laid on the bed with her, she immediately cuddled up next to me and I pulled a blanket over the both of us and she fell asleep

Not long after Emily came in and sat on the end of the bed

"I'm failing" I admit

"No you're not, we knew that Mara isn't your typical child. She's had a lot of trauma. Eating is something she has trouble with and we are going to have to be patient" Emil says and I nod and wipe my eyes

"I know. I know, I just hate seeing her cry" I tell her and she nods

"I know, and it will get better. She just needs support" Emily says and I sit up and give her a small kiss

"Thank you" I whisper and she smiles

"You don't need to thank me" she says

"Um- can you stay in here while I shower? Incase she wakes up" I ask and she smiles and nods

"Of course" She tells me and I go to our room to shower

Emily's POV

I got the bottle with Mayas DNA on it and I'm meeting a contact later on with it and they are going to run her DNA with Jennifer's

JJ left a few minutes ago to shower and I was still sitting on the bed with Mara, the poor girl. She is tiny as it is and with her refusing to eat she is just going to keep loosing weight

Mara started to toss and turn and needed up kicking the blanket off of her

"Mommy" she whines, still obviously asleep

"Mommy!" She yells and sits up crying

"Mara hey, it's me. It's Emily" I say softly and she backs away from me

"No hurt" she cries

"I'm not, I won't hurt you I promise" I say and she shakes her head

"No hurt. I promise" I tell her and brings the blanket up to her face

"Can you breathe slowly" I ask and she shakes her head

"Can I pick you up?" I ask and she doesn't respond so I take it as a yes and pick her up, holding her to my chest and she immediately calms down

"You're okay" I tell her and she nods

"Wheres Mommy?"she ask and I get a little taken back by the question

"JJ?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No my mommy" she says and I hesitate

"Hey" I hear and JJ walks in her room, and Mara reaches for her

"Everything okay?" She ask

"She woke up with a nightmare" I say and she frowns

JJ talked with Mara a little, distracting her from her from the nightmare since she didn't want to talk about it

I needed to get going if I wanted to meet my contact on time

"Hey I'm going to get going" I tell JJ. I told her I was meeting an old friend

"Okay I love you" she says and gives me a kiss

"I love you too"

Till next time ❤️

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