Chapter 43

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After hanging up the phone with Delilah I was very much scared and hurt. What could be so important that she couldn't tell me over the phone?

Can she take Mara from us? No... they can't take my baby. It's not fair it's not right. She is happy she is healthy.

I walked into my office and stood at the door. I have to tell Emily that we could loose our daughter.

"Hey" she smiles

"What's wrong?" She ask and came over to me

"Delilah called.... She needs to talk with us today" I explain, knowing Emily wouldn't be able to fly out with the team today

"Is it something bad?" She ask and I shrug

"I really don't know she wouldn't tell me, only that is was something that she needed to speak to us both about" I say and she wraps her arms around me

"Okay... we will deal with it. I will just have to wait to fly out with the team" she says and I nod

"What if they take her? Emily i can't do it if they take her from us" I say sadly

"Jayje look at me" she says and I lift my head from her chest to look at her

"They are not taking her, we are her parents. You are her momma" she says and I nod

"I need to present the case.... Can we not tell the team about this? I don't want to say anything until we know for sure what it happening" I say and she nods and kisses my head

"Let's go before she wakes up" Emily says nodding to Mara and I agree

"Okay everyone let's start" I say walking into the conference room

"I am not able to fly out today but I will join you all tomorrow" Emily says

"Is everything okay?" Derek ask and she nods

I began discussing the case and answered the questions everyone had

"Wheels up in 30" Hotch says and everyone leaves besides him

"Is everything okay with you two?" He ask

"We just have a meeting with the social worker I can't miss" Emily explains

"I hope it's all good. Emily take the week with your family, Strauss is assigning a temporary agent to get trained with us in the BAU, we will be fine" he says and walks out

"We should get back to Mara" I say and put a hand on Emily's shoulder

"I'm going to check in on Penelope first" she tells me and I nod and head back to my office to get Mara

Luckily she was still asleep but I decided on waking her up so I could take her home soon, I wanted to go home and just spend some time with her without having to be in the office

"Mara, wake up lady bug" I say softly and rub her back

"Momma" she says and opens her eyes

"Hi baby, let's go see Penny before we go home" I say and she climbs off the couch and takes my hand and we walk to Penelope office

"Knock Knock" I smile walking into her office

"Mara!" Penelope exclaims and Mara let's go of my hand to run into Penelopes arms

"Hi Penny" she giggles

"Hello sugarplum. You having a fun morning with your mommies" she says and I glare at her

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