Chapter 33

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Emily's POV

It's Saturday now and we are getting ready to go grocery shopping

JJ was getting Mara ready while I fed Sergio. Penelope had brought him home a couple days ago

"Look how pretty you look" I smile seeing Mara walk out with JJ

She has on a pink top with a Grey dress over it

"Thank you" she blushes

"Are you ready to go shopping?" I ask and she nods

Once we got to Walmart JJ and I each took one of Maras hands as we walked inside and JJ put her into a cart

"Okay we're going to go get some groceries then we can look at the toys. Sound good?" JJ asked her and Mara nodded

We walked straight to the produce, while JJ was putting things into the cart I could tell Mara was already nervous, she looked as if she was about to cry and just kept looking around

We continued to walk through the isles and got some snacks that Mara would like with cute little characters on them

While we were getting some things from the freezer isle a man with a child came up next to us and JJ was at the other end of the isle

"Emmy" Mara whispers and I look down at her and she had a few tears going down her cheeks

"Hey, come here" I say and she lets me pick her up and hides her head into my shoulder. I think the man finally sent her over the edge with the nervousness

"Hey, what happened?" JJ ask coming back over to us

"She's just nervous" I say and she frowns

"Well I think we're good to go now. Let's go over to the toys and let her pick one out and we can go home" she says and I nod

We walked over to the toys and Mara was still hiding her face

"Mara, you want to pick a toy?"JJ asked while rubbing her back

Mara looked up and immediately reached for JJ to hold her. I gave Mara to JJ and she walked up the isles with her

I stayed with the cart and they soon came back and Mara had a new baby doll in her arms

"I seen you found something" I smile

JJ carried her while we went to the checkout

Once we got home Mara opened her new baby and sat on the couch with her

"So Derek mentioned wanting to meet her" I say

"I don't think that's a good idea right now" JJ says and I nod

"I want her to meet them. I do. But even her reaction in the store tells me she is not ready. Our entire team in men except for Pen. I mean maybe Spencer will be okay but..... I just don't want her to get upset if she doesn't have too" JJ says and I nod

"No I agree. I told Derek I didn't know" I say

"Let's try spencer first and we'll go from there" I say and JJ nods

"I think that's our best bet" she says

"She was fine in Seattle when we went to the space needle, I wonder what was different" I ask

"I think that was because she was excited and we were holding her hand the entire time. Today she was sitting by herself in a cart" she says and I nod

"Yea that's true" I reply

"And don't forget she has her appointment next Friday" she reminds me

"I know, and I just hope this next case doesn't run too long" I say and Mara comes into the kitchen with us. We had been putting away groceries as we were talking

"Hey... you hungry?" I ask her

"No" she says and walks over to JJ and I sigh.

We had a moment this morning and it seems like it's all We're getting today

I don't want to admit that I get a little jealous with their  relationship.

Mara stayed on JJs hip as we finished putting everything away

"What do you want for lunch?" JJ asked her and she shook her head

"Not hungry" Mara says

"What if we do grilled cheese? All kids like grilled cheese" I suggest and JJ nods

"Nooo, not hungry" Mara whines

"Mara you are going to eat at least a little" JJ tells her and I get out every thing

"I don't want any" Mara fights and kicks her legs so JJ puts her down and she burst into tears

"Mara" JJ sighs and picks her up again and the little girl wraps her arms around JJs neck

I finished lunch and JJ sat in one of the kitchen chairs with Mara in her lap and she was subbing her eyes with the back of her hand

"Just a couple bites" JJ tells her calmly and she nods as JJ brings the sand which up to her mouth


After we ate and Mara finished I took her back to her room to lay down so she could nap

I took the dress off of her leaving her in a shirt and the shorts I had put on under the dress

I put her dress in the hamper and laid her on her bed and pulled the cover over her

"Poppy?" She ask while yawning and rubbing her eye

I grabbed her sloth off the dresser and handed it to her

While she was laying on the bed I sat down next to her and softly rubbing her back until she fell asleep,

Once she was asleep I quietly walked out of her room and shut the door

"She okay?" Emily asked me and I nodded

"I think she as just tired and when I put her down it just hurt her feelings" I say and sit down on the couch with her

"Probably" she chuckles and I lay into her

"Go ahead and take a nap" she tells me

"You sure? I want to spend time with you" I say and she kissed the tip of my nose

"I'm sure, I'll stay right here" she tells me and I nod and close my eyes and bury my head into the crook of her neck

It's after dinner now and Emily, Mara and I are cuddled up on the couch watching The Princess and the Frog

"Would you kiss a frog?" Emily ask Mara while laughing softly

"Eww, no way" she giggles and lays her head back down on me

When The second song came on Mara was out of her shell a little  more and was giggling and dancing in my lap

I looked over at Emily and she was smiling at Mara, as she was moving her dirty blonde hair out of her face

Towards the end Mara was still all into the movie and eating some m&m's emily had opened for her. Probably not the best decision seeing as it was her bedtime but she's having fun

"I want to do that" she says

"Do what?" Emily ask

"Be a cooker" she replies as we were now on the scene in Tianas restaurant

"You want to be a chef?" I ask and she looks at me like I had three heads

"No, a cooker" she replies and I chuckle and nod

"I think you'll be the best cooker ever" Emily smiles

Till next time ❤️

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