Chapter 6

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I was able to help the girl use the bathroom and Dr.Robbins was able to give her some medicine for the UTI. Said it would take some time to work but it will resolve.

It was 12am now and the medicine she took earlier was starting to wear off and she became more aware of what was happening around her. Right now she didn't seem to mind the position we were in, I was laying on the bed with her laying on top of me and I was twirling her hair with my fingers and I figured now would be a good time to talk to her

"Hunny do you know where your mom and dad are?" I ask and she tenses again, not unfamiliar with the feeling

"No know" she says,

"Do you remember how the firefighters found you?" I ask, Emily and I are heading to the station tomorrow to talk to the person who found her

"Bad man" she says quietly and was chewing on her shirt

"Bad man? Is the bad man your dad?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Do you know the bad man?" I ask

"No, him said he was going to take me home" she says and sits up and starts crying

"He didn't take you home did he?" I ask and she shakes her head again

"Was there other kids there?" I ask and she nods

"Leo," she whispers,

"I want to go home" she says and starts crying even harder than before,

"Okay, we're going to try to take you home" I say and she lightens up a little

"I need you to tell me your name though" I say hoping the situation would get her to talk and tell me

"Mara" she says just above a whisper and I smile

"Mara?" I ask and she nods

"I go home now?" She ask and I sigh

"I'm going to try to get you home" I say and she yawns

"But for now I think it's bed time" I tell her and could see her panicking slightly

"I'm not going to hurt you, but you're tired. I think you should sleep" I tell her and she quickly scans her room

"You stay?" She ask me

"I'll stay, but I need to leave in The morning" I say and tears fill her eyes again and she moves away from me

"Mara" I sigh and try to bring her closer to me but she just kicks and screams

"Stop, stop, please no hurt" she cries and I let go, and stand up from the bed so she could see that i wasn't going to hurt her

A few seconds later Doctor Robbins came rushing into her room

"What happened?" She ask

"I told her I had to leave In the morning" I say, feeling guilty for leaving her like that

I sighed and walked over to the edge of the bed and crouched down.

"Mara, look at me" I say softly

"I no want you to leave" she says, hugging her knees to her chest

"I need to, so I can take you home" I say and I could tell she was thinking of the words I had said

"I go too?" She ask

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now