Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

We were heading back home today thankfully, while we were gone I left my credit card for Penelope to pick up a few things for mara, make her room a little more kid like rather than a depressed adult. I didn't think much about it. But now realize that might have not been the best of choices. Leaving Penelope with free range with my money. This could be bad

We are also riding by the fire station before our flight. JJ  wants to thank Maya in person for calling her about Mara and I think this would be a good idea to get what I need. My only chance even.

We got up around 8 and ordered some room service for breakfast and JJ was having a rough time trying to get Mara to eat. I don't quite understand how she isn't hungry, she is four and hasn't eaten in days. JJ and I both know if this continues it's going to end up a lot worse.

"No hungry" Mara says not looking at JJ. I have noticed she hasn't looked me in the eyes and when she looks at JJ she seems to look past her a little

"Mara please, one bite?" JJ ask and she shakes her head again and JJ sighs and just stands up leaving Mara on the bed while she takes the food back to the table we had in the hotel room and Maras eyes follow making sure she wasn't leaving.

I watched this interaction closely, Mara obviously has a much stronger connection to JJ then we realized

"Is everything in the car?" JJ ask me and I nodded, I had taken our bags out earlier so all we needed to do was get in the car, I went and bought a car seat for Mara yesterday and we plan on leaving it at the fire house as a donation. We only needed it for today , and JJ would just sit in the back with her after left the fire station on the way to the airport

"Okay let's go" she says and reaches her hand out for Mara to take and she quickly does and the two of them follow me out of the hotel room and down to the car

I got in the front since JJ said she was just going to get Mara in her seat but the girl was having none of that

"No no no, no hurts" Mara started to cry

"Mara what hurts?" JJ ask and she pulls at the straps in between her legs, from what the doctor and JJ told me she has some bruising and the straps are probably actually hurting

"Just loosen them" I tell her

"Then it's not safe Emily" JJ replies

"Neither was holding her yesterday and we still did it" I say and she sighs and loosens maras straps and Mara stops crying as much and tries to control her breathing while JJ gets into the passenger seat and we drive down to the Fire station

When we got there JJ got Mara out and she held her hand as we walked inside

As mara was taking in her surroundings, looking at all the trucks and stuff the same man with freckles came out,

As soon as mara seen him she tried to get out of JJs grip and back away,

"No no no, let go. Leave." she says and starts to freak out

"Whoa" the man says and JJ picks mara up and she holds onto Jjs neck tightly

"Mara hey, what's wrong?" JJ asked her and the man backed up away from us

"I'm really sorry I don't know what I did" he says apologetically

"It's okay, guess we are learning she doesn't do well with males" I say

"Right, I'll go get the captain for you" he says and walks away

"Mara he is gone, no one is going to hurt you" JJ says, rubbing her hand up and down her back

"No hurt?" She hiccups and we shake our head. This is going to be  a lot harder than either of us thought,

As we were standing there, JJ was swaying back and forth with Mara in her arms and Caption Bishop comes out, drinking the last of a water bottle and throwing it into the trash. Now if I can get that. Take it to DC where I have contacts and we can trace it with JJs, just how?

"Hey, Montgomery told me you guys had came in" she says softly,

I heard her. Yelling orders at the station last time we were here. She is a badass on the outside and a Softie on the inside it seems

"I wanted to come by and thank you personally for calling me about Mara" JJ starts and I place a hand on the small of her back and she smiles

"Oh of course, I figured you would want to know" she says and we smile

"Yea, I really appreciate that" JJ says

"So does she not do good with men?" She asked and I sighed

"We don't know, besides the Forster home she was in, that guy was the only one she has been around" I speak up and she nods understandingly

"Poor girl, is she going with you two?" She ask and JJ smiles

"She is, we are leaving for DC, as soon as we leave here. We also wants to drop off her seat we had bought her, you guys can do whatever with it" JJ says

"That's great and thank you, we will find some use" Maya says and she follows JJ to the car and when I notice them out of eye shot I quickly grab the bottle and stick it inside of my jacket and follow them out before they notice I'm gone for too long

When I got out there JJ was in the back seat holding Mara and Maya was making small talk

"Well thank you guys for stopping by, I hope everything goes well with this little one" Maya smiles

"Thank you, for everything" JJ tells her


The flight to DC was just okay, we had first class tickets so we would hopefully be by ourselves a little more but the flight attendant was a male so every time he walked by Mara would tense and hide into JJ even more so than she already was. She did not like the plane

When we landed in DC I called us an Uber and we went back to the apartment.

Penelope wanted to be here but we told her to hold off a few days, Mara just wasnt ready; and Penelope if very energetic and we didn't want to make Mara more nervous. Penelope deeply understood and said she hoped Mara liked the decorations.

We got back to the apartment and Mara was already falling asleep as JJ carried her up to the house

"Ready to see what Penelope bought?" JJ chuckled

"I'm scared to see how much she cost us" I reply and she smiles and gives me a quick kiss

"Just don't look at the account" she suggest and I laugh

We walk to the door of maras new bedroom and opened the door

"Oh my god, we're going to be broke"

Till next time ❤️

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