Chapter 60

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Mara finally got adopted Friday. We don't have to worry about her ever being taken from us. No more social workers.

We told Mara we would take her to the park today after lunch. Something to get her out of the house

I go back to work with Emily on Monday meaning Mara will be spending a few nights with Penelope. We gave Penelope the option to just stay here if she wanted but she said she was going to try her place first and if Mara isn't okay with that then they will come back here

With today being Saturday, we still have two whole days to spend together before we leave

Mara just finished breakfast and she went out to play in the living  room and someone knocked on the door

"I'll get it" I say and go to open it to reveal Emily's mother

"Elizabeth, hi" I smile, and Emily comes over to us at the mention of her mother

"Jennifer, it's good to see you" she says and we let her in

"Is everything okay? You never stop by unannounced" Emily mentions

"Everything is fine dear. I was hoping I could meet Mara?" She ask and I nod

"Mara, come here ladybug" I call out to her and she comes running over to us and stands behind my legs

"Mara, this is my mom. Elizabeth" Emily tells her and Mara looks Elizabeth up and down before waving

"Hi" she says softly

"Hi, I've been waiting to finally meet you" Elizabeth says and Mara looks up at Emily and she nods

"You look like mommy" she smiles and both Emily and Elizabeth chuckle

"I guess I do, don't I" Elizabeth smiles

The four of us traveled further into the apartment and ended up in the living room where we sat down, and Mara played on the floor

"She is a really good kid" Elizabeth says

"She is." I smile

"Are you both still working?" She ask us

"Um yea, we go back Monday" I say and she nods and I get down on the floor with Mara and Emily and Elizabeth went out to the kitchen so they could talk

Emily's POV

"You know, I'm really glad you stopped by" I tell my mother, she was just getting ready to leave

"Me too" she says

"Thank you for putting James on our case, he helped us tremendously" I say honestly

"Oh good" she smiles

"I just wanted to say thank you" I tell her

"Well it was nice to feel needed again" she says

"What? What did you say," I ask

"Well, I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but... I am an ambassador without an assignment" she says

"Y-you've  been without assignment before" I say and she nods

"Yea but never for this long and one does begin to wonder" she says, Leaving me speechless

"What? Did I say something wrong?" She ask

"I don't think I have ever seen you doubt yourself before" I say

"Oh... I doubt myself all the time Emily" she says, still leaving me confused, she never shows it

"It's just... not showing it is what being a diplomat is all about" she says, I never understood where I got my compartmentalizing from. I am very very good at hiding my emotions. Even from JJ sometimes

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