Chapter 28

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Once we got back to the hotel I held Mara in my arms and laid on the bed with her. She was almost asleep before we got here

"She hasn't ate" Emily noted

"I know," I sigh and watched the little girls eyes slowly open and close

"Go to sleep baby girl, JJs here" I say calmly and she snuggles up closer to me and falls asleep, she began snoring quietly and I chuckled, leaving her in the bed and walking over to Emily who was sitting in the chair and I sat in her lap

She wrapped he arms around my waist and I laid back into her

"How are you feeling?" She ask me

"I feel like Maya doesn't want this" I say honestly

"I don't think she wants a relationship with me" I say and she tightens her grip on me

"Baby, it's a lot. I think she does, I think Maya tends to be a hard ass around everyone but she noticeably softens when around Carina." She says and I nod

"I don't know, I'm scared Em, I'm so scared" I admit

"I know you are, but I'll be here. The entire time. And if you want to leave just give me a sign and I will make an excuse for us to leave" she tells me and I smile

"I really do love you Emily Prentiss" I smile

"I love you more" she smiles and rest her head against mine

"Does this mean I get sex?" She ask and I laugh and push her chest back

"There is a 4 year old in our bed" I chuckle

"Buuttttt there is not a 4 year old in the shower" she smirks and I can't help but smile

"Only if you carry me" I say and she waste no time picking me up and taking me to the bathroom and leaving me on the bathroom vanity

"I missed your touch" I smile getting out of the shower with her;

"Oh we have to do that more often" she smiles, both of us regaining our breath

"Hot steamy shower sex!" I exclaim happily and she chuckles and gives me another kiss

"I love you Emily" I smile, leaning into her

"I love you too Jayje" she tells me,

We walked out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed before Mara woke up

Once we were dressed Emily sat back in the chair and I returned to my seat on her lap

"How do you think tonight is going to go?" I ask her

"I think it will be good, I honestly think that you two will have a good relationship, it may take some time, this is new for both of you" she says and I nod against her,

"Yea, you're right" I smile

"And Carina? She is pretty cool" I chuckle knowing Emily likes her

"She's Italian, we can talk all we want without you two knowing" she smirks

"No Italian talk tonight" I say and she laughs

"Or no sex" I threaten

"Jayje" she pouts and I chuckle

"I mean it Emily" I say playfully and she rolls her eyes

Maya had sent me her address a few hours ago and we are just getting ready to leave the hotel, we told them we would get there around 7 since Maya didn't even get off till 6,

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now