Chapter 3

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Emily's POV

The team and I are now on the Jet waiting to land in Seattle.

"When we land, Derek and Emily go talk to Ryders   Parents, Spencer and Rossi, go to the disposal site and see what you can get, JJ and I will head to the precinct to set up " Hotch tells us all and we agree,

We landed in Seattle and like Hotch said we all went our separate ways

"You ready for this?" Derek ask

"Ready to talk to the parents of a little boy who was kidnapped and killed and left like trash? I'm never ready for these cases" I sigh and just sit back until we reach the Lance residence

Derek and I got out of our suv and walked to the door, knocking and only waiting a second until Mrs.Lance opened the door

"Hi Mrs.Lance, I'm special agent Emily Prentiss and this is my partner special agent Derek Morgan with the FBI. We were wondering if we could talk some about the loss of your son. Just some questions about what you remember about that day" I say and she lets us in

"We were told you might step by" she says and leads us to a sitting room where her husband soon joined us,

"We know this is not an easy thing to talk about" Derek says

"Would it be okay if we start with a few questions?" I ask and they both not

"Did you notice anything unusual, prior to the day of Ryders abduction, a stray car, maybe seeing the same person a few times," I ask and they both shake their heads

"No,he plays soccer, every Saturday if he didn't have a game we would go to the park and he would practice with John while I played with Georgia" she tells us, John being her husband and Georgia their 2 year old daughter, who was in her fathers lap,

"So the park was routine for you?" I ask

"Yea, but this time Georgia was sick so we didn't want to take her out so I just went alone with Ryder" John says

"Can you recall the moments leading up to when you noticed Ryder was missing?" I ask

"I- I only took my eyes off him for a second, a guy came and asked if I had seen his son and told me what he looked like and he walked away.  Next thing I know Ryder was gone and the soccer ball he had was just in the spot Ryder should have been" Ryder dad says

"What did this guy look like?" Derek ask

"What? I don't know,  Uh black hair, a little longer than his ears and his eyes, were blue. I don't know how this helps" he says

"Oh my god John!" Mrs.Lance gasp

"It was a distraction wasn't it?" He ask

"I'm afraid it's looking that way, anything you can remember will help us catch the man responsible" I say And the dad keeps describing everything he could about the man while Derek and I wrote it all down,

"Thank you both so much for everything and we're deeply sorry for your loss," Derek says

"Thank you" Mrs.Lance says and Derek and I leave and head back to the precinct



I set up the conference room for everything we would need while we were looking for the man who abducted and killed these children,

Emily and Derek just arrived back at the precinct and we were waiting on Spencer and Rossi to get back before we de briefed everything

"Wait so let me get this straight, we have more than one unsub?" I ask after Emily told us about how Mr.Lance was distracted by someone while Ryder was being taken

"Seems that way" Derek says

"Let's put a bolo out on a man with the features Mr. Lance provided us" Hotch says and I nod stepping away to call Garcia, she would get it out faster than we could

After I got off the phone with Garcia I walked back into the conference room

"What did you find at the disposal site?" I ask

"The guy didn't leave anything, just an Alley," Rossi says

"So all we have is there is 2 unsubs?" Emily confirms

"Yea, and the fact that he took a break for whatever reason or there is a kid laying dead somewhere" I say,

"She's right, still doesn't explain the break" Derek ask

"Have the officers search every alley and dark place where the unsub could hide a body" Hotch says and dials Garcia

"Im here!" She says over the speaker

"Any missing kids that fit our timeline?" Emily ask

"None in the area or surrounding counties" she tells us

"Alright thanks Garcia" he says and cuts off the phone

"It's only Friday, there is still a chance a body will show up" I say

"That's true, the bodies are dumped the day after another kid goes missing" Emily says And I nod

"Where's Leo's father? We need to talk to him. Ryder family went to the park every Saturday, he's watching them and getting s routine, going for a detectives child is risky" Derek says

"He's waiting outside" I say and Hotch gives Emily and Derek the go ahead to walk out and talk to him

Emily's POV

Derek and I walked out of the conference room to find Leo's father Detective Cordero,

"Agents! Have you found my boy?" He ask and Derek and I share a look

"No, we have some questions we would like to ask you" I explain and he nods

"Can you explain your day fo us before Leo was taken?" Derek asked him

"It's all my fault, I left Leo in the car, he was asleep in his car seat and I had to run in here to get papers, I walked out and he was gone" he says and paces the empty conference room we were in

"And the camera caught nothing?" I ask, outside of a police department and nothing

"No, they black out from the time I pulled in to when I walked out side" he says

"How long we're you in here?" I ask

"5 minutes" he says

"Detective Cordero, 5 minutes isn't enough time for someone to get into your locked car, get Leo out of his seat and get away before you came out" I say slightly

"Okay maybe 10, it's just me, my wife died in child birth and it's just been me and Leo, I should have woken him up but I didn't" he says now facing the wall

"Detective Cordero we are going to do everything in our power to find your son" I say And Derek and I walk out again

"Left his kid in the car" Derek says shaking his head

"He was asleep, and right outside of the police department" I say,

"It wasn't Walmart and leaving him to cry" I tell him

"They would have gotten Leo either way" I say

"Still, you don't leave kids in the car" he says and I roll my eyes

"Agents, we have a hit on the man you are looking for" an officer came to us and said and we followed him to the rest of the team

Till next time ❤️

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin