Chapter 9

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I  was still holding Mara in my arms and decided on calling Penelope before Emily walked in. I told Mara I needed to make a phone call and i sat her on the bed and walked to a corner of the room to call Penelope

"Hey Pen, um, I need you to find out what the possibilities of us fostering Mara are"

"What? Really?"

"Yea really, just don't say anything to anyone else or Emily"

"Jayje, she is your wife"

"I know and I will talk with her after you tell me what my chances are"

"We'll since she has no family and is just going into a group home, a judge should be able to grant you an emergency foster license until you can apply for your actual ones"

"So all I need to do is talk to the social worker?"

"Sure is sugar"

"Thank you pen"

I hung up the phone with her and as soon as I did Emily walked in with Maya behind her. It's so weird saying that name

"Hey" I smile at them both and Mara looks over at me frantically seeing the new people in the room so I walk over and sit with her

"Mara, you remember Captain Bishop?" I ask pointing to Maya and she nods

"Your sister?" She ask and Emily laughs

"No baby," I say

"But you look like sisters" she says looking up at Maya

" so we have been told" I smile and she starts playing with my wedding band, spinning it around my finger

"Anyways I just wanted to pop by and see how you were doing" Maya tells Mara

"Good" she says shyly and Maya smile

"We'll I should get going, it was nice meeting you all" Maya says and heads for the door

"And my long lost sister" she jokes and we laugh

"Mara I need to talk to Emily okay? We're going to step out and I'll be back" I say and she looks up at me quick

"I promise" I tell her and she nods and pulls her knees to her chest once again, Emily just looks at me confused as we walk out

"There's a conference room right down here" I say and she follows me into it

"You okay?" She ask with a hand on my shoulder

"I want to take her with us, I want us to foster her" I say and Emily sighs and frowns

"Jayje, we can't" she says

"We can. I talked to Penelope-"

"You talked to Garcia about this first?"She ask shaking her head

"I wanted to know if it was possible before I said anything to you" I say and she puts her hands on her hips and takes a deep breath

"JJ we can't. We live in DC, we travel every week for work. Mara needs someone who can be with her all the time for a while" she reasons

"I can stay with her Emily. We have money saved up I don't need to work right now" I say

"It's not about the money, we have enough money where if you don't want to work you don't have too, Jennifer we have the money that's not the point" she says and I sigh

"Then what is the point?" I ask

"You just met this girl, and I feel like the situation with everything is getting to you, you're sister and Mara were close in age" she explains and I roll my eyes

"Yea. Maya was 3 when she died Emily, Mara is 4 and she isnt dying. She needs people who will love her and care for her" I exclaim

"You're doing this on a whim, this is not something where you can just stay with her during the day. Bringing a child into our home is a lot. We have nothing for her. We're taking her from the only place she knows. You get attached too easily, every case. I'm sorry Jennifer but I'm saying no" she says and I walk out and down to Maras room and she was in the same position she was when I left

How does Emily not see what I see,

"You sad?" She ask and I quickly wipe my eyes

"I'm okay" I smile

"I go with you?" She ask and my heart breaks for the girl

"I'm sorry Mara. You have to stay here" I say and she starts crying

"I don't want too!" She yells and I put her back into my lap and she buries her head into my chest

"I know, but you're going to be with a nice family, who will love you and take you to the park and play" I say, rubbing her back slightly And we stayed like that until 5 that evening, when a social worker and Dr. Robbins comes in. I haven't seen Emily since this morning

"No no no!" Mara cries and holds onto me tighter

"I'm so sorry" I say in her ear and she just shakes her head

"Mara. Do you remember me? I'm Amani, I met you this morning" the social worker says

"I no want to go" Mara says. Starting to calm down

"We have to go" Amani says and I roll my eyes

"I miss you" Mara says and looks up at me

"I'm going to miss you so so much" I say and kiss the girls head

"Mara do you want me to carry you?" The social worker ask

"No! I walk" she says and gets off the bed and Amani sticks her hand out for Mara to take but she doesn't

"I want to be notified with any and all changes to her placement" I tell the social worker and hand her my card

"Will do" she says The two of them walk out with Mara not looking up from the floor

"Your wife has been sitting outside the door all day" doctor Robbins tells me

"I know" I sigh, still not wanting to talk to her

I walked out of Maras room, or now just an empty one and Emily stood up

"You okay?" She ask

"No, now let's go" I say and continue walking to the elevator and she follows

The drive to the hanger was quiet, no one said a word, Emily focused on the road while I looked out the window,

We had our bag In the car with us so we had everything

We loaded the Jet and I didn't look at anyone just went and sat on the couch by myself and looked out the window And Emily sat next to Derek

"Ou the mommies are fighting" I hear Derek say

"Shut it" Emily says firmly

"Everything okay?" Hotch ask her

"We're fine" she says and no one said anything else

We just arrived back at the bau and I was so ready to go home

We all said goodbye to one another and left, we were off the next few days thankfully

When we got home I went into the shower and Emily went into the guest shower

I put on a t-shirt only and got into bed, Emily came in and took her pillow and walked to the door

"I'm sleeping in the guest room. I love you" she says and waits for me to answer

"I love you" I tell her and she walks out and cuts the light off

Till next time ❤️

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