Chapter 34

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Mara has her first doctors appointment in the morning and Emily is still not back. This case had been extra difficult so of course they are still in North Carolina looking for a rapist/ murderer

This week has been exhausting. Mara seems to have more nightmares the first night Emily leaves. Monday night I woke up to her crying and I went to check on her and she had wet the bed. Of course I assured her it was okay and I had to put her in the shower and she just cried even more all at like 2 am.

She still will not take a shower by herself. So kind of forcing her to on Monday really upset her. This is one of the things I want to being up with the doctor.

The next couple of nights she didn't have any more accidents. A close call on Tuesday but it was avoided

Our days primary stayed the same. She won't eat by herself either. So I have still been feeding her

Now it's passed midnight and I had just gotten her down for bed an hour ago after she woke up from a night mare at 10.

I debated on calling Emily, I miss her voice. I don't like having  to stay away from her.  I knew she was working and if I just let her work the better chances she would be home sooner. I really was hoping she would be there for the appointment in the morning.

It's not until 2 so I still have hope Emily will be here.

I texted Emily and told her that I loved her and missed her and plugged my phone up to get some sleep before Mara woke up in the morning

The following morning Mara woke me up by gently saying my name

"Come up here sweet girl" I say with my eyes still closed and I felt the be shift at she climbed in with me and I lifted the cover so she could get underneath

I looked over at the clock and seen that it was just a few minutes pass 7

"JJ..JJ...JJ" Mara whispers in my ear and even though I am exhausted I can't help but laugh and turn over at her and she was smiling down at me

"Morning" I yawn and close my eyes again and she leans down and uses the palm of her hand to move my hair out of my face and she kissed my head and sat back up and started giggling

"Come here" I laugh softly and sit up and she climbs into my lap. Still halfway under the covers

"We have a big day today" I tell her and move the hair out of her face as she lays her head again my chest

"Emmy come home?" She asked and I sighed

"I hope so.. but I don't know" I tell her

"But, you little miss have a doctors appointment" I tell her, when I first told her about it I was expecting her to freak out but she didn't. Which then lead me to think that she has never been to the doctors which with the abusive father, would make sense

"And they nice?" She ask and I nod

"Very nice" I tell her and she nods

"Let's go and watch some cartoons before I make breakfast" I say and get out of bed with her on my hip

"Wait! Poppy!" She exclaims and wiggles down and runs back the hall to her room and comes back out with her blue and purple sloth

"What do you want to watch?" I ask her and sit on the couch with her in my lap and a blanket over us both

"Dragon" she says and I nod

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