Chapter 41

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Since Derek, Penelope and Spencer had arrived We walked out to the living room and mara was holding my hand and smiling when she seen Spencer and Penelope but her face dropped when she seen Derek

"No no" she says quietly and puts her arms up for me to pick her up, once I did she wrapped her arms around my neck

"Mara, that's Derek. He is so much fun and is just a big kid" I smile

"I have a present for you" Derek says and Mara tightens her grip on me as he talks

"JJ" she whispers

"It's okay, Derek won't hurt you. No one is going to hurt you I promise" I assure her and kiss the side of her head

"You want to go say hi to him then we can go see Penny and Spencer" I suggest and she doesn't respond so I walk over to Derek. With her

"Well hello, I got you something if you want to look" Derek says and Mara shakes her head, still holding on tightly to me, I gave Derek a sad smile and turned around with Mara

"Do you want to go sit in your room for a few minutes?" I ask softly and she nods so I take us back to her room and sit on the bed with her

As soon as we were alone in her room she let a few tears fall and wiped her face against my shirt

"Derek won't hurt you baby girl, he is really nice and is Emmys Bestfriend" I explain while rubbing soft circles on her back

"I'm scared" she says

"Why are you scared?" I ask while rocking her side to side to keep her calm

"Cause of bad man" she replies

"Mara baby, Derek is nothing like the bad man. He wants to be your friend and he even got you a present. You want to go out there and try again?" I ask and she doesn't respond

"How about we go say hi, and if you ever want to come back here you just tell me okay?" I ask and she nods this time,

I walked back out to the kitchen and over to Derek once more

"Can you say hi?" I question Mara and she looks to Derek

"Hi" she says quietly and Derek smiles

"You want your present?" He ask and she nods

Derek smiles and handed Mara the gift bag and I but her down on the counter so she could open it

Opening the bag she pulled out an fbi outfit that would fit poppy, her stuffed sloth and a unicorn outfit for it. Along with a new baby doll

"JJ!" She exclaims happily and shows me what she got, poppy is definitely her favorite toy

"I see, what do you say?" I question

"Thank you" she smiles at Derek

"Can I go get poppy?" She asked and I nod and help her off the counter and she runs back the hallway

"Thank you Derek" I smile

"Anything for you momma" he smirks and I roll my eyes as Mara comes back out to us and I help her put the unicorn  outfit on poppy

"Go show Penny" I tell her and she walks out to Penelope and Spencer

"Hotch called, him and Rossi aren't going to make it" Emily tells me and gives me a kiss

"Maybe it's for the best.... I don't want her too overwhelmed"  i say and look over to Mara, if hotch and Rossi were both here this night would not end very well.

"She's a good kid" Derek comments and we smile

"She really is, she just gets a little timid around new people" Emily tells him and Mara comes back over to us

"Penny said I need to show you poppy's outfit" Mara says to Derek and holds up her stuffed animal, shocking both Emily and I,

"Poppy huh? I think it looks really good there" he smiles

"Can you put me up there?" Mara asked and pointed to the counter and Derek smiles and lifted Mara up to put her on the counter and I walked over to stand in front of her so she couldn't fall and so I could talk to her

"You like Derek then?" I whisper

"Penny said he was a teddy bear" she shrugs and I laugh and kiss her head

The rest of the night Mara was doing way better than expected, yes she still remained in my lap or on my hip the entire night but she did talk a little to everyone

Later that night Mara was sat side ways in my lap with her head on my chest, it was past the time we usually put her to bed. And she was yawning and rubbing her eyes, yes we should have stuck to her schedule but I figured she was talking with everyone so I didn't want to disrupt her

"Are you ready for bed lady bug?" I ask and she nods against me

"I'm going to put her to bed" I tell Emily and kiss her cheek as I stand up

"Can you tell them goodnight?" I ask Mara

"Night night" she says with her eyes closed

"Goodnight sugar!" Penelope smiles

"Goodnight smalls" Derek tells her

"Goodnight Mara" Spencer says and Emily kisses her head And I take her back to her room

She used the bathroom and brushed her teeth and I laid down in bed with her

"JJ?" She questions and I look down at her from the book I had picked out to read

"Yes lady bug?" I ask and she smiles once again at the nickname

"Are you my momma?" She ask me, I knew she had been listening to everyone around her, the doctor, Penelope, Derek, Emily even

"Well," I sigh and and run my fingers through her hair

"Do you want me to be your momma?" I ask her and she nods

"Yea.. this much" she says and opens her arms as far as she could and I chuckled and kissed her nose

"I love you Mara, so so much my lady bug" I smile and she does the same and squeezes both of my cheeks and giggles

"love you too, and Emmy!" She smiles with her eyes closed and I ran my finger up and down her nose until she fell asleep

Till next time❤️

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