Chapter 25

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We are supposed to be heading to Seattle today, my mom is still in holding down at the police station and I can't keep her there any longer, I don't know what to do.

Do I turn her in for everything she has done or let her go and act like it never happened. One this is for sure is I want nothing to do with her any more. I don't want Mara ever meeting her and I don't even want my mom  to know about Mara. She doesn't need her

Mara slept on top of me all night, she woke up once around midnight and I got up and walked around with her and she was able to fall back asleep and I put her back In bed with Emily and I,

Emily and I woke up not too long ago but Mara was still asleep and we didn't want to get up and risk waking her since she doesn't get much sleep anyways not good sleep at least

"What do you want to do?" Emily asked me

"I don't know, I think I'm going to call and have her released and just block her numbers, I don't want anything to do with her Emily" I say sadly and she grabs my hand

"And that's okay, what she did to you, to Maya is unforgivable" Emily's says and I nod, the tears falling down my face

"I- I'm just so mad. Mad that she let me live so long without knowing. I could have grown up with my sister. Instead. I lived thinking she was dead" I cry, I couldn't stop it, the tears just came going

Emily then got out of bed and walked over to my side, pulling me close to her as I laid my head on her shoulder and Mara was in the bed still

"I love you. I know you're going through a rough time. And I promise I will be here every step of the way" she says and I nod against her shoulder

I love her so much, she has seen me at my worst and is still here fighting by my side with me

"If you're not ready to go to Seattle we won't, we can stay here, we can do a road trip. We can do anything you want to do" she says, pulling away and using the pad of her thumb to wipe my tears away

"I want to go, I want to see her. Not just as the woman who brought Mara into our lives but as my sister" I say and she smiles and kisses the corner of my mouth

"I love you Em" I say softly

"And I love you even more"

Surprisingly Mara stayed asleep through my whole breakdown, Emily and I started packing our things, not that is was a lot considering it was only one night when Penelope knocked on the door causing Mara to jump slightly

"Come in" Emily called and I walked over to the bed so Mara wouldn't think she was alone

"JJ" she whines sleepily and I pick her up and she lays her head against my shoulder

"Oh I'm sorry I completely forgot" Penelope says

"It's okay, I would have had to get her up soon anyway" I smile

"Is everything okay?" Emily asked

"Yea, well, Hotch just called and they got a case, I have to meet them in Tennessee, he wants me at their station. Says it's a bad one" she says

"Oh, are you going to fly there?" I ask

"Yea, I already got the tickets and I have to leave now. I'm really sorry loves, I know I was supposed to come but" she sighs

"Hey, you're helping other people, we understand and it's okay, we can take her with us to see Maya" I say and she nods understandingly

"Penny leaving?" Mara asked me

"Yea baby, can you tell her bye?"'I say and she turns to Penelope

"Bye Penny" she says and lays her head on my shoulder again

"Bye sugarplum, I'll see you again when you get home" she says

"Where we going?" Mara ask once I got her into the car

"We're going to Seattle " I say

"No, no, I sorry. I don't want to" she says and tries to get out of the car seat

"Hold on" I tell Emily and she nods,

I got back out of the car and unbuckled Mara and hugged me tightly

"Please no" she cries, and by this time she had actual tears coming down her face

"Mara look at me" I say softly but firmly

"Why don't you want to go?"'I ask

"I want to stay with you and Emmy" she says and hides her face again

"Mara... you are staying. I promise. We're not getting rid of you." I say walking in circles outside of the car, trying to soothe her

"You remember Maya? The fire fighter?" I ask and she nods

"We're going to see her, she is my sister" I say and she looks up at me

"Sister?" She ask and I nod

"Yea baby my sister, that's all we're doing. Then we can come home" I say and she nods against my chest, her tears now gone

"Okay, we better now?" I ask and she nods and I put her back into her car seat and buckle her back in before getting in the car with Emily and she takes my hand as we drive to the airport

We finally arrived in Seattle and we definitely have one fussy child on our hands. She didn't sleep the entire flight and only ate a few good fish,

It was now past 5 pm and we were in the taxi on the way to the hotel,

Emily was leaving to go get the rental car once we got back and to pick up dinner since we didn't want to go out tonight

When we got to the hotel  Mara refused to walk so I carried her and Emily got our bags on a cart

"Okay I'm going to go get the car quick" she says and I nod and give her a kiss

"Don't forget dinner and a carseat" I say and she nods

"We already bought 4 car seats this week" she chuckles

"I know, but at least someone who needs one will get it when we go home" I say and she nods

"That's true, alright I love you and I'll be back soon" she says and leaves

"Where's Emmy going?" Mara ask

"To go get dinner" I explain

"When we seeing Maya?" She ask

"Tomorrow, it's already late tonight" I say and she yawns

"Come here beautiful" i say and she walks over to me and I pick her up and lay on the bed and turn on a movie

"It's not night" she says and sits up

"I know but we are going to have some quiet time until Emmy gets back" I say and bring her back down with me

"Not sleep?" She ask and I chuckle

"No baby, not sleep"

Till next time ❤️

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