Chapter 7

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Emily's POV

"So what do you want to know?" Captain Bishop asked,

"The little girl you found yesterday." JJ says

"Oh, we were doing some patrols in the aid car, and we went to a place where we go frequently and as I was wrapping a bandage on another man, I seen her. She walked out from behind a tarp and I ran over to her and she started crying" she tells us

"Bishop we got a- oh wow, long lost sister?" Someone says coming into her office,

" Herrera, I'm busy" Captain Bishop responds

"I know and I'm sorry but Chief Dixon is here and I'm not sure how long we can hold them off" she says still looking JJ up and down

"Really though, are you sisters?" She ask

"Um, no" JJ replies

"You sure? You do like almost identical" she says again

"Herrera! Go and I will out as soon as I can" Captain Bishop says and the girl takes one more look at the both of them and walks out

"I'm sorry about her" the Captain says and turns her attention back to us

"It's alright, can we just get the location of where you found her?" JJ ask

"Yea let me get it" she says and looks to her computer and writes down the address on a sticky note and hands it too me

"Thank you" I say and all three of us get up from our seats and head to the door

"Hey Captain- whoa since when do you have a sister?" A man came up to us once we stepped outside

"Miller, this is Agent Prentiss and Jareua from the FBI" she says and the guys face falls

"Oh, um- sorry" he says

"It's alright" JJ chuckles

"Was nice meeting you" JJ tells her

"You too" Captain Bishop says and shakes both of our hands and we walk back out to our SUV

"That was weird" I chuckle when we get into the car

"What?" JJ questions

"You look like twins" I tell her

"We look nothing alike" she tells me

"No hunny you really do" I smile and she shakes her head

"I'm going to give the address to the team so we can head over to the hospital" she tells me and I nod and start the drive to Grey Sloan.

When we got to the hospital JJ took me up to her room,

"Agent Jareua! It's good to see you back" a perky blonde says when we walk up to the nurses station

"Hi! And we came back to talk to Mara" JJ smiles And she sighs

"I know it's a big step, but we need to try and give her a bath but  before I want to do the kit. I think she is more comfortable with you. So maybe you can hold her hand?" The doctor ask and JJ nods

"Yea of course" she tells her

"Thank you, I'll be back in, in about 30 minutes to see if it's a good time" the doctor says and walks away

"Kit?" I ask JJ

"Rape Kit" she says sadly

"On a 4 year old?!" I whisper yell, and she nods

"Yea, she is very timid too" JJ says and leads me to a room, when we walk in there was a tiny figure in the bed just looking ahead. When she seen us she tried to hide under the covers and JJ put a soft hand on my arm and walked towards her

Change of Perspective (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now