Chapter 51

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Emily's POV

It's Friday... meaning Mara has to go back to Amy's, only this time it's not just for the day, we won't get to see our baby until Sunday.

Mara knows she is spending the weekend with Amy and is not happy and has let JJ and I know.

She doesn't entirely understand why she has to go which has made today not the greatest

It was just after lunch and we had luckily been able to get Mara down for a nap, which took a lot of cuddles and reassurance

Meaning currently, JJ and I are the only ones awake and she is packing Maras bag for the weekend

"Jayje you have everything" I tell her and she sighs

"I know Emily I just- I can't do this" she says and comes back over to the bed and crawls in next to me, while Mara was asleep on the other one

I know she is hurting and I have been trying my best to be there for her but sometimes it is a bit much, when I think about. I don't show emotions or talk about what I'm feeling, it took me a while to get to that point with JJ and sometimes it's still difficult. Like now. Mara is my daughter too but I don't want to let myself feel everything coming with her leaving

"She will be okay. Amy said she will give us updates and call whenever we wanted too" I say and she nods, even if we are upset with Amy for what she is doing to our family we are forever great full at how kind she has been as well. She doesn't have to call us, or to give us updates but we both know she will

"I know... I know." She says and I kiss her head

"I told Amy we would do dinner and bath tonight since we both know she isn't going to let Amy bathe her and I want her to actually eat the dinner " she tells Me and I nod

"Good call" I agree and hold her close to me

An hour and a half later mara woke up and was upset that she had woken up and wasn't in our arms or even in the same bed with us

She got out of her bed and climbed into ours, giving us both a dirty look while crossing her arms

"Whoa miss attitude" I chuckle and she doesn't respond but climbs into my lap and brings my arms around so I was cuddling her

"Is that what you wanted?" I ask and she nods and lays into me

"Mommy... I don't want to go to Amy's" Mara says and I sigh and run my fingers through her hair. I wanted to tell her how much I didn't want her to go either but I knew it would confuse her more

"I know... but it's only the weekend. And Amy is nice right? Plus me and momma will call you before bed" I say and she sighs


We are now just finishing dinner, Mara sat in my lap and barely ate, she took a few bites by herself and said she was done which Emily and I both knew she was lying so I ended up feeding her half of what she had left.

Which kind of sucked, she was doing so well with feeding herself and I just don't want this weekend to push back everything we have worked so hard on

"Alright baby go on to bath and I'll be there in a second" I say and she shakes her head, refusing to get off my lap

"Mara... you want to take a bath here or at Amy's?" I ask,

"You momma" she says and I nod, that's what I thought

"Okay, well you have to go so I can get your clothes" I say and she doesn't move once again,

I decided on not fighting with her, she was already upset and I didn't want another tantrum today

I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom while Emily got her pajamas out

"Momma get in too" she tells me

"Please?" She ask, her bottom lip starting to tremble,

"Okay... I'll get in with you" I say and she smiles, I know it's a comfort thing right now, and if it calms her down, I'll do anything.

Once the bath was ready I got in first and she climbed in and sat in my lap and leaned back against me, not wanting to play with her toys or anything , just laying her head on my boobs while her hand played with my hair

"Can momma wash your hair?" I ask softly and she nods and I make it quick, also washing her body off so we could just relax before we had to get out

Mara was quiet, the entire time, she just laid on me while her hand was playing with my hair, and I hated this. She hasn't been this quiet in months. Even this morning. While yes she was upset but then she just threw a tantrum, her first one at that.

"Are you okay?" I ask and she nods

"I'm sorry but we have to get out" I say sadly and she looks at me with tears threatening to spill out of her eyes

"I know.. I know, but once we get dressed you can have some more cuddles before you leave" I say and she nods

I got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around myself before doing it to Mara

Once she was dressed we had 10 minutes until Carina would be here so the three of us laid in bed, just holding one another

When Carina arrived Mara had completely shut down, she didn't even cry or protest getting put into her car seat. She just accepted it. But I also know she won't cry in front of people, or it's what she has always done, expect in rare occasions and I think that is what she was trying not to do

And that was an hour ago meaning it's  close to 7 now and I really just hope my baby is okay.

After she left Emily and I just laid in bed together, waiting for some report on how she was doing, this was the first night we had to ourselves since we started fostering and it is not how I would have liked it to go,

I would have liked it to be agreed upon by all of us, Mara staying with Penelope so that Emily and I could have the night out while Mara was safe and happy with Pen

Around 8:30, also Maras bedtime my phone started to ring with a FaceTime from Amy and I quickly answered

"Momma" Mara says sadly

"Hey... baby what's wrong?" I ask

"Where poppy?" She ask and I smile

"Mara... where's your bag at?" I ask

"On the ... floor" she says, still a little worked up from not having her sloth, and I could see Amy sitting next to her

"Good, now go and look in the pocket where we keep your cup" I say and she gets off the bed

"Found it!" She says and I chuckle

"Good girl, now get back into bed and me and mommy will read you a story" I say and mara climbs back into the bed and covers herself up with her blanket, not letting Amy do it

By the time the story was over mara was fast asleep, I just hope she stayed like that over night

"I'm sorry we called while she was upset, I didn't know if it was packed or left with you" Amy says walking out of the room quietly

"No im glad you did. You can always call, especially if she is upset" I say

"I will, and I will make sure she calls you both after breakfast" she smiles warmly, I really wanted to hate this woman but I can't, I just can't

Till next time. ❤️

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